Chapter 8

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Badboyhalo's POV

(No swear words in this one) (finally)

"Lets go to the nether Bad!"Skeppy exclaimed, "I mean why not?"

"U-uhmm are you sure Skeppy?"I stuttered, "I mean like we only have wooden tools."

"We *sigh* are *sigh* HEEEERRRRREEEEeeeeee." A voice gasped behind me

I looked behind me and saw Tubbo and Tommy gasping for air. It made me laugh a little seeing them run so far and made it here like this.

'Little muffinheads' I joked in my head

"SKEPPY!, I am gonna make sure the next time we go exploring, I am gonna let this ribbon hold on to you so you wont fly away again" Tommy insisted

"NO!" Skeppy shouted,

I laughed a little

"But anyway, I wanna ask, do you guys wanna go to the nether?" Skeppy continued


"Seriously this again?"
"Seriously this again?"


"I'll take that as a yes." Skeppy smirked, "Alright lets prepare ya?"

"Ok..." I sighed

Dream's POV

"George...are you sure you wanna stay in this world?" I asked

"YES DREAM! George shouted, "I mean like, we have powers, wings, ribbons! Why wouldnt anyone dont wanna stay here?"

"I dont know George," I sighed, "This world seems...too...perfect to not be a trap. I have a feeling we should find a way to leave."

"Oh come on," George chuckled, "You are just saying that because you havent found YOUR power yet, while me and Sapnap already found ours. Sapnap has fire and I have teleportation."

"Okay George..., "I sighed again, "Good night"

"Good night dream." George said walking and closing his tent while I walk into my tent and saw Karl seating in front of me.

"Dream. I think you know what I wanna discuss with you." Karl said with a stern look on his face

"Yes I- I do know," I hesitated, "*sigh* do you also think this is kinda suspicious?"

"Now that I think about it, they have changed like a lot. They used to be so careful and scared about this world but now...just look at them." Karl sighed, "They wanna stay in this world and even wanting to try some dangerous stuff like going to the nether with wooden tools after they found their power..."

"Yeah, it is strange actually..." I agreed

"We need to find more people that doesnt have powers for now." Karl remarked

"Lets start searching tomorrow?" I asked

"Yes, we need help as soon as possible!" Karl confirmed

George's POV

"Sapnap?" I called out to Sapnap

"Mmm yea?" Sapnap groaned

"Do you think Dream and Karl are acting strange recently?" I asked

"Yea I guess so, they kept asking us if we were sure if we wanna stay in this world..., are they trying to warn us something?" Sapnap questioned

"I dont know..." I sighed

As I was about the lay down to sleep, a red light shone right outside the tent and a shadowy figure appeared.

The last thing I remembered is the figure opened the tent and put his hand on my mouth whispering "Shshsh....." before I pass out




And just to confirm, no Karl also havent found his power

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