Chapter 16

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Tubbo's POV

We walked towards the campfire to see Dream have woken up. He ran to him and cried in his hands.

"T-Tubbo...? Whats wrong?" Dream asked

"Th-they took T-Tommy and I-I dont know what to d-do" I hesitated

"So...Tommy has powers?" I heard Fundy's voice asked

"Wait what?" Dream exclaimed

"Yea he does. And I didnt s-see what happened all I know is that when I saw him not on George's ribbon again, his hands started glowing." I responded

"And Tommy is your pair when you guys came?" Fundy questioned

I nodded

"Oh so that means...each pair that came here, have one person who will have powers and other will not. So in this case Tubbo, Tommy has powers while you will not and- did you say anything to him when you guys were kidnapped?" Fundy asked with a little excitement in his eyes

"Well I told him that everything is going to be okay if he is with me in the tube we were in before the room." I said confused

"You Dream?" Fundy asked Dream too

"Um well I told him that everything is okay and that I will stick him until we got out..." Dream replied

"*claps* Thats it! Thats the key to our questions." Fundy smiled, "The only people that ended up having powers are the people that you promised to be there. And that is their only weakness, because after the Narimsomes caught them, they will use their crystal or the red ruby to trick them into believing that their friend broke their promises and let them be captured. When they fell for that trick, they will let the red ruby control them and there is no turning back. But so far the Narimsomes havent fail for their tricks and I am scared because I have powers now... and they are trying to find me so me." Fundy begged us

"Fundy..." I said putting my hand to his shoulder, "We will try our best to help you."

"Thank you..." Fundy smiled

"Oh yea and random question Fundy." I asked, "Who was your pair and who else did you meet?"

"My pair was Jack manifold and we found Nihachu and Wilbur after a while." Fundy told us

"Where are they now?" Dream questioned

"Well uh...Wilbur got captured...and after I got powers, they told me that it is best that I am alone so it will be harder for them to find me because I am only 1 person. And that it is best if I dont trust anyone. But when I saw you Tubbo, I had a feeling that I could trust you and here we are!" Fundy explained

"Oh ok! What are your powers and what is Wilbur's?" I asked

"Wilbur has electricity and I can shape-shift." Fundy responded

Tommy's POV

"Here we are!" Sapnap smiled showing me my cell

"Um Sapnap are you forgetting something?" George asked

"Oh yea!" Sapnap exclaimed, "Tommy turn around."

"Um why?" I asked still looking at my cell and not turning around

"Fine if you want to do it the hard way." Sapnap sighed

He shoved me to the floor and put a glowing handcuff around my hands and pushed me into my cell, locking the door.

"Enjoy your stay Tommy." Sapnap smiled

I ran to the iron bars on the door and saw them walking away. I banged on the door and searched around to find a way to get out until

"Hi Tommy! You are here too?" A voice said

I looked around to see where that voice was from

"I am over here Tommy." The voice said again

I looked up and saw a window with bars and a face

"Hello!" The voice said

"Who are you?" I asked

"Its me Wilbur." Wilbur said waving with a glowing bracelet on his hand, "How can you forget my voice?"

"I dont know I forget shit Wilbur." I said, "Anyways where are we and why are we here?"

"Well your fault you want to follow them here." Wilbur replied

"Y- wait, how did you know?" I asked

"You can spectate people from here Tommy." Wilbur explained

"What do you mean?" I asked confused

"You see that button right there?" Wilbur pointed out

"Yea?" I said confused

"Press it and you can spectate but you need to press the button again to go back to normal." Wilbur explained, "And also they cannot hear you."

I pressed and suddenly felt like I cannot feel the ground anymore. I looked down and I was floating. 'Whoa this is so cool!' I flew through the wall and immediately thought about finding Tubbo so I flew around until I saw Tubbo, Dream and...a fox?! But I didnt really care about the fox I was only relieved to see Tubbo okay. I went back to the place and pressed the button as fast as a blink, I was back to normal again.

" was your experience?" Wilbur asked

" was great!" I smiled

"Haha I know right." Wilbur laughed, "Well its nearly my time to go and get brainwashed."

"Wait...what?" I stammered

"Heh...I heard a lot of things from 3 people talking about the Narimsomes and I am ready to get brainwashed." Wilbur sounded like he was about to sob

"Hey man? You ok?" I asked

"Yeah. Yea. I am ok." Wilbur told me

"Wilbur I'm-" I tried to reassure Wilbur before a bang was heard I stood up and walked to the bars of the iron bars looking at what that sound was. And I was surprised to see Skeppy run over to us and created a diamond key to open the door for us and took off my handcuff and Wilbur's bracelet.

"Skeppy? I thought you were-" I was about to ask

"Not now maybe later but we need to go NOW." Skeppy insisted, "Follow me QUICK!"

We nodded and ran with him. There were guards on the hallways but we got rid of them quickly and continued running. We eventually made it to the front door and was about to escape before it closed in front of us.

" you think you could escape that easily?" A voice behind us spoke

I turned around to see George, Sapnap, Phliza and some guards behind them

"I know you weren't with us yet Skeppy, which is a surprise because usually everybody get tricked, but I thought why not trust you because you were my friend but NO you betrayed us." George yelled


"Fine Skeppy, I have been too nice to you lately. So now... its gonna change." George smirked, "GET THEM."

They all charged and we fought.


Gonna get intense >:D

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