Chapter 14 ;-;

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(Swer wod warnin in de en @-@)

Tubbo's POV

Tommy ran to George looking so aggressive but when he reached there, I saw George letting go of Skeppy causing him to fall to the ground on his knees. For a minute there Skeppy just sat there still as ever until he turned around looking at Tommy. I swear I saw a red light pass through his eyes as fast as a blink.

"Hello Tommy." Skeppy smiled, "why are you here?"

"Sk-Skeppy?" I heard Tommy stutter

Then I saw a ribbon crawling to Tommy's leg.

"TOMMY LOOK OUT!" I shouted

"Huh?" Tommy said looking back at me and to his feet but the ribbon had already tied around his arms and lifting him

"TOMMY!" I shouted as I flew to him but a diamond sheild blocked me from reaching to him. "TOMMY NO!" I shouted my eyes starting to water. 'No I cant lose him too. Come on there have to be a way.'

As I am looking around, I suddenly heard a crash from Tommy's place and when I looked he was on the ground kneeling and looking at his hands.

'What happened?' I asked in my head

Tommy's POV

*When he is still tied*

"LET GO OF ME YOU BASTARD!" I shouted struggling to be free

"Ok you asked for it." The monster smirked

He lifted me higher and dropped me. But then my hand glowed yellow as I was falling and when I hit, I didnt feel pain. I felt like the ground was moving I looked up and saw Skeppy blocking George with his diamond sheild. I looked at my hands and they were still glowing yellow. I looked at my right and saw Tubbo in a diamond sphere his face shocked. 'What happened? Did I find my power?'

"Well I guess we found another member guys." A voice chuckled

"Get him." Another voice said

I heard footsteps coming to me, my hands started glowing brightly as if it was trying to tell me to touch the ground with my hands. As soon as I did it, a stone wall appeared and a voice shouted "OW."

I looked at the other of the wall and saw Skeppy and Sapnap on the ground. So I took the opportunity and ran. I broke the diamond sphere Tubbo was in and told him to bring Dream to our camp while I hold them off.


"And I dont wanna lose you too just please, if you wanna make me happy, then GO." I responded

Tubbo stared at me with tears on his eyes and hugged me saying,

"Pl-ea-se- stay s-safe. I-I d-ont wanna lo-se you."

I was about to say something but I heard footsteps so instead I said

"You too Tubbo, now GO."

Tubbo nodded and flew away carrying Dream

"Bye Tubbo." I whispered

I turned around to see Skeppy, Sapnap, and George all brainwashed by something

"Hey Tommy." George smiled, "Would you like to come with us?"

"You what?" I said, "Fine, I will follow you, lets see where you are gonna take me shall we?"

"Okay come." George assured me

"No George." Sapnap stopped George, "I dont feel good about this. How about you put this on." Showing me a red crystal, "Then you follow us."

I looked at it and said

"How about no for this one."

"Why not Tommy?" Sapnap asked

"Because then. Th-then..." I stuttered, "Then I will not follow you."

"Oh come on Tommy just put it on." Sapnap said walking towards me

I walked backwards and a diamond wall appeared behind me preventing me to move backwards any further. Sapnap walked closer and closer to me until I could feel his breathing.

"So...what do you say?" Sapnap asked me again handing me the red crystal

"I-" I stuttered

"Or...we could just trust him and go on?" A voice said behind Sapnap

"What?!" Sapnap turned around

"Instead of just telling him to put on the Crimsome Crystal...we could just bring him to the Crimsome Ruby and do that to him there." The voice continued

I looked behind Sapnap and it was Skeppy

"We just need to keep watch of him when we are going there." Skeppy explained

"Mmm you do have a point." George said

"Oh come on, I wanna see him in "the" way right now!" Sapnap complained

"We need patience Sapnap." George said

"Fine...lets just go." Sapnap muttered

I followed Sapnap with Skeppy and George behind me

'Shit' I said to myself, 'My plan is ruined, well it is kinda working but they are behind me,I cant run when they are behind me... ok new plan' writing something on the ground and a trail 'I hope this works'



XD sorry

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