Chapter 10

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Badboyhalo's POV

*Right after Skeppy flew*

"SKEPPY WAIT WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" I shouted but he didnt turn around, he just kept flying away I ran behind him for awhile but I soon dropped on my knees, tired from the run.

I heard footsteps running to me from behind, its was Tommy, Tubbo, Dream and Karl (A/N gosh thats one hell of a group)

"Bad?" Karl asked, "You alright bud? Where is Skeppy going?"

"I- dont. Know..." I murmured, "Do you think he is alright? Because I know he wouldnt just fly or run away with out any reason...right?"

"Mmm I dont know...he do sometimes run away from you Bad and run to another friend like me." Karl joked to make the mood happier

"No he doesnt do that!" I huffed

"Jealousboyhalo confirmed?" Tommy whispered behind me

"I heard that!" I grummbled

Then they all laughed. I just realized that Karl is always the light in our conversation. And I enjoyed it.

"Look pal," Karl said with a smiling face, "I am sure that your buddy is okay."

"I guess so..." I mumbled

"Cheer up! And I am sure he is gonna come back. But if he doesnt, we will make sure he find him tommorrow." Karl insisted, "Lets go back shall we?"

"Yeah." I replied, "How long do you think your house is?"

"Dream?" Karl asked Dream

"Probably very far," Dream said holding a map, "Yep very far."

"How about you guys come stay over with us until tomorrow?" I asked

Skeppy's POV

*The next day*

I was woken up inside a tent with voices right outside the tent and a bandage around my head.

"Ahh where am I?" I whispered to myself

A shadowy figure appeared in front of the entrance of the tent. I got scared and hid under the blankets I woke up with, and hoped that the shadow figure isnt gonna-

"Oh you are awake! Good morning Skeppy." The voice said

The voice sounded so familiar but I still stayed under the blanket for safety and remained quiet

"Skeppy?" The voice asked, "You awake?"

I still didnt respond until the voice said

"I will shank you up Skeppy, I know you are awake." The voice suddenly said with a sound that sounds like a sword

Without thinking I jumped out of the blanket, crawled to the corner of the tent, put my head to my knees and covered it with my hands  and screamed

"Haha works everytime." The voice chuckled

I peeked through my arms and saw a red gown with a black sword hanging from his hand.

"Wh-who are you? I surely know you right? Because you know me." I hesitated a little

"Really Skeppy? You don't recognize this voice?"

"No, I couldnt recognize any voices because all I hear here for a long time is Bad's voice." I replied (A/N sorry this very mean in a way XD)

"How about this. TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES!" The voice screamed

It was could I be so stupid?
I looked up and saw him with a pig mask and a crown on his head

"Hi Techno!" I blurted out

"Hi Skeppy. It appears that you are injured." Technoblade said sarcastically pointing to my head

"Yes, and who were you talking to outside?" I asked

"Oh it was Sapnap! You wanna talk to him?" Techno asked

"Sure I guess?" I answered

He led me outside to George and Sapnap seating together talking about something. I noticed George had the same necklace as but more blue and a little star on the front instead of a diamond
like mine. And then I saw Sapnap's necklace is orange with a fire symbol on the front. So I guessed they had powers too then!

"Hi guys!" I waved, "What are you guys talking about?"

Their faces turned from serious into a shocked face. They quickly hid their necklaces and turned to me and said

"Oh hi Skeppy!"

"Hiii again" I waved again, "How did I end up here?"

"Techno and Philza found you lying on the ground unconscious and-. You know I just realized, you are lucky that we live near where Techno found you or else you might still have not awaken now if we werent here and Techno came back from where he was." Sapnap explained

"Yea I guess so." I muttered, "Thanks."

"No problem!" George smiled, "Oh yea and by the way, Do you happen to have powers?"

"Um no." I lied

"You sure? Because you seem to have a power necklace." George replied with a confused face

"What do you mean? Hehe..." I chuckled nervously

Saying that George stood up and TELEPORTED TO ME?! And used his ribbon to pull the necklace out of hiding and asked

"So whats this then?" George asked

'Fuck' I swore in my head

I think he noticed I was not responding so he said

"Its fine Skeppy, why dont you show your power then?"

"Um ok." I responded

I pulled my hand out and made a diamond flower

"Woah! Thats awesome!" Sapnap exclaimed behind George

I smiled and said to myself 'This isnt bad...right?'

Tommy's POV

I started to wonder why Skeppy left us and havent came back since yesterday...

Does he have something that he doesnt want to tell us? Can it be that he-

"Hi Tommy..." Tubbo called peeking from my tent door interrupting my thoughts

"Hi Tubbo... how are you." I asked

"I dont know man. Bad has been very worried about Skeppy not coming back lately and I am starting to feel bad for him." Tubbo replied

"Yea me too."

"Do you think we should...go look for him?" Tubbo questioned

"Yea lets go do that." I exclaimed


Please. Help. Meeeee

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