Chapter 12

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Tommy's POV

"So where exactly are we heading?" Tubbo asked flying above us

"Well why dont you just fly up and see where we are going"? Dream insisted

"Good idea!" Tubbo agreed flying up

"Man, flying sure is fun." Dream said looking up

"Yea..." I muttered

"GUYS, GUYS! WE GOTTA GO QUICK!" Tubbo shouted going down from above

"Why? WHATS WRONG?!" Dream screamed

"What is going on?!" I asked

"We need to go. Something's up." Dream insisted running forward

"Tommy grab my hand." Tubbo said handing me his hand

"Are you sure you could pick me up?" I asked

"JUST HURRY!" Tubbo screamed, I grabbed his hand with my ribbon and we flew

(Fanfic logic ig 😅)

*few moments later*

We landed and saw George and Sapnap seems to try and break into some kind of cyan crystal ball?

"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!" Dream shouted

George and Sapnap suddenly stopped and now we can see clearly who is inside the cyan crystal ball. And I was shocked to see Skeppy hugging his knees, his arms covering his head.

Skeppy's POV

*When George and Sapnap are still fighting the ball*

"Come on Skeppy... come out of there." George giggled


"George why dont you just teleport in there?!" Sapnap asked

"No Sapnap, we are gonna take things easy first then later the hard way." George answered

'Why? WHY?! WHY DOES IT HAVE TO END UP LIKE THIS?!' I asked myself, 'Why?!'


"Its okay Skeppy..." Badboyhalo whispered to me, "As long as I am here with you and you dont go away, you will be fine, if there is anybody who wanted to hurt you, they have to go through me first."

"Thx Ba-ad." I sniffed

*End of flashback*

'Is it my fault? Is it my fault that I am in this situation? I should've told them... I should've told him I had powers and I didnt need to hide it. Why did I hide it? WHY DID I HIDE IT?!' I screamed in my head at myself

"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!" A voice shouted

'Bad?' I asked in my head

Badboyhalo's POV

"Karl?" I called out

"Yes Bad? You doing okay bud?" Karl asked

"I wanna go and find Skeppy too." I insisted

"Why?" Karl questioned

"Because I cant just stay around being when my BEST FRIEND THAT I SAID EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY IS GONE!" I shouted shocking Karl

"I am just...*sigh* I am sorry please forgive me but, please just can we find Skeppy too?" I sighed

"Bad..." Karl sighed, "Okay Bad we will go find him."


I wish I have a friendship like that :')
But I am still happy that they have that kind of friendship

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