Chapter 14

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"It's dark outside"


"Wanna come with me? I can keep you company"

The man's words slurred as he held DIO by his arm. He was ugly, his face was beautiful but oh my god was he ugly.

"No, just leave me here"

"Why? You're so hot. I'm sure we could have a lot of fun together."

"Well you're really ugly"

"Opposites attract"

"You're being desperate just leave me"

A fist came in contact with DIOs jaw as he fell to the ground.

"Want some more? Get up you little bitch!"

"Jesus christ you need better insults"

DIO didn't look up as he looked up at the night sky above him. Stars, you don't see them a lot here. They looked lovely tonight. DIO was too focused on the stars as the man began undressing him. He didn't even care to fight back. It's not like it hadn't happened before.

"Get off of that man right now!"

The voice wasn't familiar as DIO closed his eyes and just took a nap.

"Look Dio! It's such a lovely day today! Let's go swimming!"


Dios grunted as it was seven in the morning. What a horrible time to wake up. It was too early yet too late to be considered early. What a stupid time of the morning.

"Let's go swimming at a reasonable time, I'd love to see you shirtless."

"I'd love to see you naked"

An immediate blushy expression came on Dios face as he threw a pillow at Johnathon. Johnathon chuckled as he spoke.


"I didn't expect you to be such a pervert!"

"It's true though!"

They both laughed. It was really warm and tropical. Even though they weren't anywhere tropical. Johnathon had a bit of a tan and Dio hated the sun. Opposites attract I guess. Dio was now fully awake and ready to go to the beach.

DIO woke up in a dark and cold room. It wasn't empty as a man with white hair and a dark complexion was sitting above him with a book.

"Oh! You're awake good"

He was skinny but helped DIO out of his seat. He was good looking and looked very calm. Not much emotion was on his face. Johnathon wore all of his emotions on his face. It was one of DIOs favorite things about him.

They sat down at a table and DIO noticed he was in a church and that this unknown man was clearly younger than him. Maybe by a couple years like maybe five or six. Johnathon was exactly the same age as DIO so age was never a problem.

"Are you a priest?"

"Yes actually. Welcome to my church"

"I'm not going to lie, I've always hated religions"

"Hate the traditions not the religions"

"I guess you're right"

They sat across from each other at a small coffee table. The man introduced himself.

"My name is Pucci so don't call me pastor or anything like that. Right now I'm just a man. What's wrong?"

"How do you know somethings wrong?"

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