Chapter 3

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Jotaro barely slept that night. All he heard was Kakyoins soft breath echoing in his mind a million times. It was so peaceful. He didn't want to do things to him while he was unconscious. He started to imagine a different scenario in his head.

In this scenario. He came home from school and there was Kakyoin making dinner. He came up to Jotaro with a smile and happily said.

"Welcome home honey!"

Kakyoin then went to kiss Jotaro on the cheek. While he was making dinner Jotaro came behind him and kissed the back of his neck. Kakyoin would giggle and tell him to stop. Jotaro didn't stop as Kakyoin continued to make dinner.

They ate together and their conversation was vague but a happy kind of vague. Like the type of vague in an old childhood memory that you couldn't quite place. Then the second part of the fantasy came into action.

They finished dinner and Kakyoin smashed his lips into Jotaros. He whispered in his ear.

"Meet me in the bedroom JoJo"

He felt himself getting hard again as his brain got the better of him. He couldn't stop imagining Kakyoins body. His thighs and hips. Maybe DIO had a point. Kakyoin was incredibly sexy. It was impossible to deny that. The scenario felt so vivid and real and before he could do anything else.

It was morning.

Kakyoin woke up very groggy. He scratched the back of his neck. He had a dream last night about an unidentifiable man being his husband. That he kissed him and ruffled his hair. It felt so real. The unidentifiable man was very big and muscular. He either looked like DIO or Jotaro. He was unsure but got up.

"Good morning, I can make breakfast if you'd like?"

Kakyoin asked mumbling. Jotaro felt his heart warming looking at Kakyoins peaceful expression. As if nothing happened yesterday.

"I'll make breakfast, you look tired. You should get some more sleep"

Jotaro wanted to do something nice for Kakyoin. He always imagined Kakyoin cooking. Maybe for once he could take the initiative and cook. He knew how to cook. He just couldn't cook that well.

"But you look like you didn't get any sleep at all!"

Kakyoin groggily exclaimed. Crap was it noticeable? Jotaro thought. He didn't respond. Kakyoin simply stated.

"I insist"

Deciding not to argue with him, Jotaro gave in. He finally got some sleep. It wasn't really sleep though. It was the type of rest that made you well rested but didn't make you unconscious. It lasted five minutes before he got up and walked into the kitchen.

Kakyoin had made eggs. Something simple like how he usually cooked. Jotaro didn't particularly like eggs. However, he'd eat anything Kakyoin gave him. No hesitation needed.

They sat down and ate in silence. No one said a word. It was uncomfortable but neither one of them could bring themselves to say anything. That was until the silence was broken by Kakyoin.

"I'm not over DIO"

Jotaro was actually surprised by Kakyoins remark. It just killed him more. How could he say that? Even after last night.

"If he apologizes to me properly. I'll take him back. I don't believe in third chances though, so I won't always allow his apologies"

That sentence hurt more than a bunch of punches to the gut. It made him want to throw up and die in a hole.

"I understand"

Was all Jotaro could say. He couldn't think of anything else to say at all.

"I don't think I like you in that way Jotaro"

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