Cheater 27

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"No you don't."


Asked Caeser shocked. He didn't expect the conversation to go like this. He didn't expect for Joseph to be so indifferent. Joseph continued.

"You're seventy. Who else besides me would want you? Also why bother? We're both too old for this."

Josephs words only mad Caeser angrier. He didn't want to be in this house anymore and wanted to be anywhere else. He loved Joseph but he had to put that aside. Caeser sternly stated.

"I don't care. I don't care anymore, I don't want to be your god damn property anymore. I don't need anyone new, I'll be ok by myself. I've done it for a lot of my life, what's a little more?"

"Stop talking like that Caeser."

Getting more agitated, Caeser got closer and his voice became increasingly more stern as he told Joseph.

"Are you that selfish? I'm not following your orders. Get a mistress or another teen boy you hopeless pervert. Whatever it is! I don't care! because I'm not going to be your husband anymore."

Joseph slammed his hand on the table. He answered with a hostile tone.

"Shut the hell up! Why would you leave me now? I haven't done anything wrong as of lately. Also I apologized for that shit. You told me you'd never leave and that you'd always love me-"

Caesar moved away from Joseph. Joseph had never sound so angry. Never in the fifty years that Caeser had known him, did Joseph ever do something like this. Caeser interrupted Joseph.

"I still love you! But, I can't live like this anymore! I'm not happy! I love you but I...I...I can't get through the day without at least four drinks! You've cheated on me two times that I know of. Talking about how much you love me. Do you? I don't think you really love anyone you just get off to people loving you. Because if they knew how you really are like I do. They'd leave you and that's what I'm doing."

Joseph couldn't believe what Caeser was saying. He believed that maybe that Caeser was having an emotional breakdown and figured that he just needed some comfort. He stood up and nestled his hands in Caesers hair. Caeser melted into the touch and started crying. Joseph whispered in Caesers ear.

"Baby everythings ok. You're just a little emotional. It's ok tell me about it."

"Don't do this to me Joseph. Stop doing this please..... I don't want to be with you anymore."

"Shhhhh shhhh"

Joseph kissed Caeser on top of his forehead. Caeser did everything he could to fight his instincts. He didn't want to fall for Joseph all over again. So to Josephs surprise, Caeser shoved Joseph off of himself.

"I said no!"

Joseph had never been rejected by Caeser before. That's when it finally settled in that Caeser wasn't overly emotional or joking. He was being dead serious about leaving him. Joseph didn't expect this and didn't know how to act. So he talked before thinking.

"What do you mean no? I've never said no to you in my god damn life! I've done so much to make you happy and this is how you repay me?"

"Then why do you make me so miserable! You've cheated on me and guess what?! That shit doesn't sit well with me! I can't be in constant worry when you'd do that again! I'm happy around anyone else but you! It's not the things you've done that make me so miserable it's you! You're the reason I'm so miserable."

"What does that even mean? I'm not going to let you go so easily. I can't let you leave. Don't you realize how much I love you?"

Caesar didn't say anything. He was wondering if Joseph was right. That he was right about the no point of getting divorce. Caeser didn't believe either of them had many more years left. He wondered in what's the point of leaving the major of his life. Joseph was most of his life, he wondered if he should give that up.

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