Chapter 35

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"How do people live with these?"

DIO asked Pucci. They were sitting at the church not doing much. DIO had recently gotten glasses and hated using them. Pucci thought he looked adorable.

"I live just fine, you're just being whiney. It's adorable though."


Pucci rolled his eyes and snickered. DIO was reading a book about vampires and other fictional monsters. Pucci was reading the Bible. He thought it was a good read.

The church was dark and empty but they preferred it this way. They had a radio playing on the table. The calm atmosphere was immediately when the song changed.

DIO recognized it immediately.

Life is a mystery
Everyone will stand alone
I hear you call my name
And it feels like

DIO started to loose his shit as he closed his book and got up from his seat. He started singing along to the song. Pucci had never heard of this song before.


DIO thrashed his arms around in synch with the drum beat as he sang at the top of his lungs.


DIO dropped down to the ground and trusted his hips when the song said.


Pucci paid no mind to what was happening and kept reading the Bible. The song was lasting for longer than he thought and DIOs singing voice was absolutely atrocious. Pucci couldn't take it anymore and politely asked his boyfriend.

"DIO I'm starving! Would you mind getting me a sandwich from the grocery store?"

Thank the heavens DIO stopped singing. He was very eager to go get Pucci a sandwich and left the church. DIO hummed the song to himself while looking for a pre-made sandwich. When he found one and bought it he started walking back to the church. He mumbled the lyrics to himself.

"Just like a dream you are not what you seem just like a prayer I trust your voice can take me there."

Unfortunately DIO got so caught up in his favorite song that he accidentally bumped into someone. He turned around to apologize and that's when he saw someone familiar. The two men stared at each other before DIO said.


"Yup.... That's me heh heh.."

This was extremely awkward for the both of them. They stood in the street until DIO asked Kakyoin.

"Wanna get a coffee?"

At first Kakyoin was going to decline DIOs offer, but before he knew it he was sitting in cafe across from DIO. They knew what they should talk about, however they couldn't find the words to say anything. DIO was the first to speak, he asked Kakyoin.

"You still with Jotaro?"

That was a common question for Kakyoin. He did his best not to seem phased by the question as he answered.

"No..... We broke up around three months ago."

"Oh.... Sorry"

"You should apologize for something else.... Not for something you didn't do."

DIO tried not to wince at Kakyoins correct comment. Kakyoin seemed like he was waiting for more than just his order. DIO started apologizing.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you why I made you leave. That was really shitty of me and I should've told you sooner-"

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