Chapter 30

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"He's coming here?!"

Pucci exclaimed. DIO nervously paced around the room. He answered.

"I said he could! I didn't know what to do! I'm so sorry I need to remember you live here too!"

"It's ok..... How're you going to

DIO stopped pacing and looked around nervously.

"I...... I'll try to slip it in..."

"I don't know how you're going to explain to your step father that you have a boyfriend."

"I..... Don't know either....."

"I'm going out. Call me if you need anything."

Pucci gave DIO a kiss on the cheek before leaving the apartment. He wondered around the streets before he stopped. Looking over his shoulder he saw a graveyard. Something enticed him to come inside and walk around.

Walking around he looked around at the graveyards. He was about to turn to leave when he saw a headstone.

"Johnathan Smith"

Seeing Johnathons written on a headstone felt unnatural for Pucci . He sat next to the grave, leaning against it. He felt stupid for talking to a grave who didn't even have Johnathon inside of it.

"Hey Johnathon, my names Enrico Pucci. I'm a gay priest and DIOs boyfriend."

Pucci face-palmed and cringed. His mind was sarcastically saying "way to go!" as he regretted his decision. However, he wasn't a quitter and continued talking to the grave.

"I guess..... I just want to clear my mind. You've been apart of my life and I've never even met you. I don't really know what to say.... Thanks for making DIO who he is today. You've made him into the amazing man he is today and I can't thank you enough for that."

Part of Pucci expected an answer, even though that was impossible. Pucci wondered if he should get up, but he didn't feel like he was finished. He turned to face the headstone and continued.

"Hold on that came out wrong. I'm not saying I'm happy you died. In fact if it'd make DIO happier then I'd bring you back to life. Hell, I'd bring you back to life just so I could see you. I don't even know what you look like. You're probably white and British because DIOs white and British. He tries to hide his accent now and it's really cute when he slips up. I'm just saying that DIOs really good now. Although I don't know that for sure at all. He should probably talk to you."

Part of Pucci felt like he was disrespecting Johnathon in a way. He still didn't feel like he said everything he needed to. Pucci realized what else he had to say.

"I'm not trying to replace you at all. I can tell that's something neither of you want. I don't want that either..... I guess I just came to tell you that he's....... He's happy."

A slight smile came on Puccis face as he thought of DIO. Almost forgetting that he was talking to Johnathon.

".....and he's moving on. He may have had a bad past but he's grown past that. I could tell you really loved him. You didn't deserve to die and I wish you didn't. Well that's not entirely true, if you were still alive you'd still be with DIO. So.... I'm doing my best here and I don't mean to insult you but I love DIO. I mean it when I say I don't know how I lived without him. I wish you were alive but.... Is it selfish of me to still want to be DIOs? It's complicated....and I really hope you aren't offended"

There was no response. Pucci felt silly but he wasn't finished yet. He still didn't feel like he said anything meaningful.

"I'm tired of worrying about you if I'm being honest. I know DIO still loves you but I worry if he's still in love with you. Just because I'm insecure. DIO says I don't need to live up to you, but I still try to. I shouldn't but I do! I know it sucks to hear me whining saying I don't think I'll ever be good enough. But..... It sucks knowing that I'll never even know who you are. What you were like. Yet I'm forcing myself to be like you. That's so stupid."

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