After Note I Guess

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Idk what the fuck I was thinking when making this. Well shit we gotta start somewhere right?

I'm sorry if I made anyone upset with my writing decisions, this fic is... Eventful to say the least.

I wanted to show the horrible sides of people without glamorizing it. Showing how someone's traumatic past never once justified their current actions. That falling victim to terrible people doesn't mean you'll never be an abuser. Some common themes throughout my life I guess.

I was honestly just really tired of so many fics on Wattpad justifying really toxic behavior and try to make a love story out of it. I basically just put on every single trope I despise and tried to write it out as realistically as possible (don't think I did a great job on that one)

I just really hate it when writers try to write around really toxic situations because "omg the couple is so cute" and then after the author will put their characters through the most traumatic shit possible they'll be like "they just needed to work it out 🥺🥺." LIKE BRO NO THEY BOTH NEED TO BREAK UP AND GO TO THERAPY.

I think I could have done a better job with this fic.

I have no idea why I included that filthy shirt. I think it was supposed to be a metaphor for Jotaros obsession? But honestly it's just weird. Also in case you were wondering, he still hasn't washed it.

I hated writing the sex scenes and I included so many that didn't need to be there. Why? Maybe I'm a masochist.

The hardest scene I had to write was definitely the scene between Joseph and Kakyoin when Joseph did BAD things. I was disgusted with myself writing it but ya know PLOT.

I wish I went more into to depth with Josephs character. I wish Giorno had more importance in the story. So there may be a possible rewrite in the future because there are sooo many things I wanna change.

I never liked happy endings too much so the original ending was just going to be Kakyoin crying alone. I changed my mind last minute when I realized I already made him go through too much, he deserves a good ending.

Also fun fact. The only reason I published this fic was for my friends to read it and they never did. So that's why for the longest time I had the shitiest bio and cover. Because I legitimately didn't want anyone else to read it.

...then people started reading it and leaving comments so I decided to keep it up.

This fic was really hard to write, but for a first long fic I'd say it's ok. I usually write one shots and this was originally a one shot about Kakyoin leaving DIO to be with Jotaro and live happily ever after.

Well clearly it didn't work out that way.

I also have another fic that's Giorno x Fugo which I've debated publishing because I'm not really into JoJo's anymore (I was for three years). So I'm wondering if I should publish it if anyone would be interested ofc.

I'd like to thank everyone who commented on and starred the chapters. I really appreciate it :)


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