bella's background and moving to forks

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Bella pov

Hi, my name is Isabella swan.

But I liked to be called bella.

My friends call be bella, izzy, isa, iz and many others

I used to live in Phoenix with my mother till I was 15 1/2

Now I live in New York

I have some great friends.

Oh yey I m a businesswoman

I know I know. I m too young,. But that's a story for another time

As of now I m moving to forks with my dad as my company is opening a office in Seattle and since Its most comfortable for me rather than the others I m the one moving

8:25am Friends and co. Office, Manhattan

"Are u sure about this,  isa?"

My best friend and personal assistant, Amy  asked me for the hundredth time

I sighed and looked over at her chuckling, " u know if u ask me that one more time, I swear to God I'll... I m telling u I m happy with this I need a change of scene and need to complete graduation.. And this allows both alongwith being able to work. Staying with dad is an added bonus. So yeh I m sure"

Amy chuckled and said she would miss me and being my pa

U see I m one of the ceos of friends and co. We are a group of friends trying our luck  at business and let me tell u it has worked

I m proud to say that we r one of the most successful entrepreneurs in New York

We wanted to expand and so decided to open a branch in Seattle

We r basically a group of businesses to each partner his own

So here I m moving to forks with my dad Charlie to handle business in Seattle..

Saying good-bye to frnds and colleagues and employees
Boarding flight to Seattle...
After the flight at Seattle,

I m in Seattle

Coming out of the airport I see a chauffeur and an Audi r8 waiting for me

I had told Charlie not to come n pick me up as I had to go to the office first

I reach the office and finish getting acquainted with everyone

Gosh,  that was exhausting

Now home... Thank heavens!!!

I sit in my Audi r8 and leave.

Forks here I come!!!!

twilight - 4 mates, god save me pls!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now