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I pulled into the driveway of my dad's house

I used to spend my summers here and trust me I loved it

I had to stop when I was 13 and started planning My career and investing on stocks and all of that

But Charlie didn't mind

He always came and visited me in Phoenix where I stayed with my mom Renee and stepdad Phil or when I lived in New York

Gotta love that man..

Speaking of whom,  I saw him exit our home and come towards my car,,,

I jumped out and launched myself into his arms....

He chuckled and said," hi to u too bells"

I giggled and said " I misssssseeeeeddddd u dad, how r u???"

"i m fine, how r u n howz work??"

"it's great n m too!!!!"

"Lets get your stuff inside ok "

"Yeh, sure"

We got my handbags inside n I set all my stuff where I wanted it

Myclothes had been set by my pa here,Lily yesterday itself

I caught up with Charlie

We spoke about many things and he reminded me that I would start school tomorrow

I was kind of nervous which is weird for me as I m never nervous but

Then again I always was hone schooled since I was 14

So it will take a while getting used to I guess

Anyway I slept early.

Hopefully I will have a good first day at Forks High tomorrow..


Sorry, short update n a bit boring

I promise next will be interesting,...

Laters baby!!muah!!

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