if not us then who??

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Jasper pov

As I carried Bella inside, Charlie rushed to her but I told him to calm down as she had fallen asleep

His shoulders sagged and said,

" that's what I was afraid of... "

We looked at him confused...

" what do u mean Charlie??" Edward said

"whenever Bella cries herself to sleep she has a tendency of getting nightmares due to which she gets up screaming and sweating... It is a painful sight and nobody not even u will be able to calm her "

"what" we shouted

"but we r her mates we should be able to calm her"

"yes but not fully, only those who share her pain to the same level can calm her"

"and who is that??"

Emmett asked angrily

We all were upset first seeing our mate in pain n now learning that we couldn't help her but someone else could"

"US" we heard begins us

We turned to find talon, Devon, Travis, troy and Evan.

I guess we were too caught up in Charlie or Bella to notice them

They looked at Charlie For an explanation

Charlie just pointed to the sketches which caused their eyes to widen..

"she did this??" Travis choked out

Charlie nodded tearfully while esme rubbed his back soothingly

They turned to us and hugged me, Edward, Carlisle and Emmett

We stiffened but then hugged them back

"thank u guys,  u don't know what u have done.. Unknowingly u r bringing back the old Bella "

Troy said tearfully

"but what happened for her to cry herself to sleep ?"

Travis asked serious again

Charlie looked guilty and told them what he had asked her

They all stiffened and glared at Charlie angrily

"how could u Charlie??" talon shouted causing esme to growl

Charlie shook his head at her.

"I don't know it just slipped my mouth before I could stop it"

They groaned angrily and moved as one towards Bella

At the last moment troy turned to the kitchen and came out with a bowl of cold water and a cloth

We didn't understand what was happening but soon did at the sound of Bella's scream

twilight - 4 mates, god save me pls!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now