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Living for over 100 years teaches u a lot of things

I was born in Chicago in the 1900's and would have died there if Carlisle wouldn't have turned me

Turned me into what u ask,

Well a vampire

But we r nothing like those myths

Yes we do feed on blood but the other things nh not same...

( everyone knows the difference so just imagine he describes it here)

Anyways I m brought out of thoughtsas I finish draining the mountain lion and head back ho e to my family

There are 7 of us living in forks a small town and the wettest region. In continental US

We blend or try to blend with humans which For the supposed teens of the house means one thing - school

Me and my siblings attend the Forks High school

A place full of horomonal teenagers n their lousy thoughts

As u see I m a mind reader

My sister Alice can see the future n my brother can feel n manipulate emotions...

"Edward go up n get ready schools about to start in a few hours"

Those are the thoughts of energized bunny or pixie also known as Alice

Age is sitting on the love seat and making out with Rosalie her mate n my other sister

I go up to my room and get ready

" hurry up guys there's a new girl in school
I want to meet her"

Alice shouts


New girl??

Nd why is Alice so excited??

"Who is the new girl??? And why r u so excited??"

Emmett asks confidently

Alice looks at him shocked

"it's Isabella swan

Chief swan's  daughter and t he CEO of the most successful company in New York

I love her style of dressing not to mention her magaZine "blush""

Rosalie squealed which is unlike her

" are u serious,  Isabella? Wow I have to meet her"

Me n the boys exchanged glances

Who is this Human that Rosalie wants to Meet!!!

I checked her up on the internet and came face to face with probably the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and that is saying a lot considering being a vampire of 100 years

She was a brown haired beauty with her long tresses flowing below her waistline and her body had curves in all the right places

But what caught my eye were her big doe-like brown eyes that held wisdom and mischief and a lot of life

" she is the best in her field even at the young age of 17 and not to mention very pretty"

Alice was saying

She kept on Going on about Isabella not that any one minded

Carlisle esme jasper Emmett n myself were listening intently about The New girl.

And as shocking as it may seem, I found myself wanting to meet her in person.


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