baseball and nomads

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Bella pov

We reached the field where the Cullen played baseball

Me and Charlie weren't playing as wasn't esme

"I m going to referee with Bella had Charli"

"she thinks we cheat" Emmett said hugging me

"I know u cheat" esme replied pushing him towards the others

"call them as u see them guys "

Rosalie was the first to bat, Alice hurled the ball

And rose hit it resulting in a defeaning crack

"now I know y u need the thunder"

Dad said

"it's a home run isn't it??"

I asked

Esme shook her head and said that Edward was very fast

She was right

It went in fir a while

I was never going to be able to sit through normal baseball again

Suddenly Alice stopped and shouted,  "stop"

Edward's eyes widened as he read her mind and in an instant he came up to me

The others followed him

"what happened ali??" I asked

" three vampires are heading this way, nomads, they herd us they want to play,human blood drinkers"
What?? My mates shouted and Carlisle said "how long??"

"5 mins"

"Can u make it?? " he asked Edward wand jasper

They shook their heads

"how many?? " jasper asked

"three "

"three?? We will take them. Nobody hurts my mate and lives, " Emmett growled and hugged me close

My other boys nodded

They formed a circle around me and esme stood in front of Charlie

Three vampires entered the field

One male was blond, other was dark haired and the last female was a fiery red head

The dark guy said that he was Laurent while the blond was James and Victoria

They had small talk and just as they were about to join the game a breeze blew carrying my and dad's scent to them

James and Victoria growled and lunged  towards me while Laurent lunged towards Charlie

It happened so fast that I almost missed it

Jasper let out a ferocious growl and caught James beheading him in an instant while Emmett and Edward took on Victoria

Laurent was handled by Carlisle

The girls had us safe

The boys burned their bodies and ran towards me

I hugged each one of them and kissed them

They checked me for injuries

As I approached jasper, I recognised the difference in his eyes and immediately knew that it was the major

I smiled at him which he returned

"hello again major"

"hi darlin' Miss me??"

I nodded and kissed him but pulled away and laughed at his expression

He chuckled and retreated sending jasper back

I winked at him and we returned home as I was tired ...

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