lets party n the volturi

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Jasper pov

We reached the hotel..

It looked really grand and beautiful.

We showed our names to the guard and he allowed us in.

There were many people in the hall dressed in gowns and tuxedos. Most of them looked from outside and not from Seattle or forks... There was alot of paparazzi questioning guests and mingling with important people...there were familiar faces which we had seen in the news like moviestars, businessmen and models

There were the families of Jessica, Angela,  Mike and others were also present,,

We politely nodded at them but kept to ourselves....girls.were eyeraping us while guys were ogling at Alice, Rosalie and Esme... Charlie came up to us and kissed esme on the lips and nodded at all of us

We had become close to him and considered him a father figure.

We all saw Jonathan go up to the podium n call the crowd to attention

" we thank all of u to come to this grand opening of hotel Renaissance... Now pls put your hands together for the person behind this hotel, the girl who is believed to be one of the most hard working businesspeople in the world,  and a super cool boss,.the girl.with the Midas touch,  the beautiful and gorgeous Isabella swan,

The crowd applauded in cheers and we turned to the stairs only to be entrAnced by the most beautiful girl in this world descending the steps with elegance and confidence

Girls like Jessica looked at her with envy while guys were looking at her with desire... Though I didn't like that one bit I could not deny that she looked completely ravishing today

She was wearing a green gown which was sleeveless and hugged her body and flowed down from her waist. She was very sans makeup and silver drops

Her hair was curled to perfection and put in a bun with a few tendrils around her face

All in all she looked like a goddess

Our goddess...

She hugged Jonathan and took the Mike from him. He went to stand near a brunette girl and circled his arm around her waist

I turned in time to see Bella addressing the crowd... Her eyes roamed through the crowd.and met mine and the other's... She gave us a heart warming smile that added to her beauty


My mate's looked delectable in their tuxedos and boots with their tousled hair... They were attracting lot of female attention which I hated but couldn't blame them

I gave them a warm smile which they returned and I tturned to the others

I saw many of my friends from New York and even forks

" I welcome u all once again. This wouldn't have been possible without the help of my employees and the trust of my fellow CEOs that I could handle this....I owe my success to them.... And would like to call few of.the most important people in my life on stage... Most of u know them as my business partners and co-owners of the company but they r also my best friends and inspiration....

Please welcome them...

Edward pov

Five men who girls would consider Greek gods entered through the doors and made their way towards Bella

They were all greeted with warm hugs from Bella and kissed her on the cheeks

We were fuming at that

But Bella immediately sent us reassuring looks which calmed us down..

"let the party begin," one of the guys said and they made their way down...

Bella pov

I was very happy to mwet Travis, talon,  Devon, troy and Evan and hugged them tightly... They laughed and kissed me on the cheeks

" I missed u all" I whispered

"we missed u too" troy said smiling which showed his dimples

Troy had the classic black hair, black eyes and a smile with dimples

Talon was a typical blond God with blue eyes while Devon and Travis had Brown hair.... Evan was blond with Brown eyes

All of them knew they were fit and handsome and used.it.to their full advantage... That's until they met their girls...more on that later

They hugged me tightly as we made our way down

They all were super overprotective of me n I thought of them as my brothers...

I led them to my mates

And Charlie who hugged all of them

My mates looked at me smiling which I returned and introduced them... "guys this is Carlisle, Edward, jasper and Emmett, my boyfriends"

Emmett pov

I stood tensed For them to shout at Bella as to having multiple boyfriends but they simply turned to us and said," hurt her and we will find a way to kill u even if u r vampires n we r humans"

We stood there shocked that they knew

"u know?" Charlie asked

"yes,. dad they have their mates who r vampires, obviously they know "

"who? " Carlisle asked

"behind u " Bella said.

We turned and were shocked and scared  to see the vampires they were talking about.

There entering the hall in party gowns and tuxedos were the volturi

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