friends and flirting

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Bella pov

Jonathan was one of the managers of the hotel in Seattle and a good friend. I picked up the call and..

Jasper pov

Alice motioned bella over but just as she was about to come to our table her phone started ringing,

She looked at the caller id and her face scrunched up adorably, she was too cute..!!

Edward laughed and nodded his head...

Meanwhile bella had answered the call, "Jonathan"

"isa, where r u??" a male voice replied.

"I'm at school, why???"

"u need to come to Seattle asap, there are some documents that require tour signatures and secondly there are some clients who are coming to meet u tomorrow morning"

"oh- God, tomorrow morning?? Well ok then I will leave by five in the evening and stay the night and conduct the meeting tomorrow. Tell Lily to get the condo ready for my stay"

She had a condo, wow. I was surprised...

" fine isa n how's the school??"

" Ya it's fine but how will I know if I m always kept busy by u guys" bella replied smiling

" oh come on babes, u know u love me!!"
What??? the major rattled in his cage

Emmett and Edward were fuming to...

That guy was dead...


" Ya Ya whatever.. I will see u in a while bro"

We heaved a sigh of relief when she called him brother....

" Ya sure sis"

Oh,,thank the heavens they were in a sibling relation otherwise...

Alice and Rosalie burst out laughing at us

We just scooped at them playfully..and turned to see bella coming towards us...

Bella pov

As I made my way over to the Cullens, I could feel the stares of the entire cafeteria on me

As I neared their table, Alice sprang from her place n enveloped me in a massive bear hug..

" I m a huge 'blush' fan and I love to wear your fashion clothing...we r going to be great friends I just know it"

How she managed to get that out In a single breath was beyond me but I have her a genuine smile in return....and turned to Rosalie who also hugged me and said, "Thank u for defending us back there with Jessica"

I replied, " oh that's no problem, I just can't stand bitches"

Isaid the last part loudly and glanced at Jessica. The Cullens started laughing.

Finally I turned to the boys who were now standing, they were even more handsome up close, I looked from one guy to another but avoided looking into their eyes as I knew that I would get lost in them...

I first looked at jasper who fit the Part of a cowboy perfectly with his button up shirt, washed jeans and cowboy boot,....fuck he looked like a sex God and my lust for him was all time high if not higher

With great difficulty I averted my eyes to Edward who was dressed similar to jasper except the cowboy boots

He was a bronze haired Adonis and my heart skipped a beat when he greeted me with a crooked smile

Almost as if he heard that his smile widened

I just returned his smile with a smile of my own and turned to the last of the sex personifications, Emmett.

He was wearing a black t-shirt with black jeans and boots

The t-shirt showed off his biceps and mouth watering abs

They all had bodies to die for and I couldn't help but think how it would be to feel they're naked bodies under my arms as they continuously thrust into me as we made love into the night...those thoughts had my insides clencHing with want

Oh God.. Bad bella, how could I think about three guys like that... Ugh

Edward pov

God when she smiled at me I literally felt my undead heart skip a beat

Through jasper's thoughts I knew that she was lusting after us n that made me very happy

Bella pov

" hey" I said to the three

"Hi darlin' I must say u r truly a goddess, very beautiful" jasper said in a southern accent and kissed my hand

" yeh absolutely stunning" Emmett said

" your smile is dazzling love" Edward piped in

I blushed and thanked them shyly

God what was wrong with me

I am supposed to be a confident businesswoman and here I m blushing at comments of three boys

"very hot boys " my subconscious said

" well u r not too bad yourselves" I winked and replied chuckling

They let out laughs of their own.

We sat at their table and started talking

I was seated between Emmett and jasper with Edward across from me and Alice and Rosalie between him and jasper

We spoke about many things and got to know each other

Me and the boys flirted with each other and had some good laughs...

Well, forks just became a lot more interesting..


Whew that was the longest chap so far

Next chapter bella meets Carlisle and comes to know about mates Nd vampires

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