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Bella pov

I led the way to my house in my vanquish with my boys

My boys... Hmm I like the sound of that

We reached my home and I told them to wait while I got ready

I took a quick shower and wrapped the towel and walked into my walk in closet. I put on a black pantie-bra set. I wore a white satin top with my black skirt that hugged my body and stopped mid-thigh. I re-did the mascara and put lip gloss. I tied my hair in a high pony, and wore my black heels. Grabbing my blazer, I headed down to meet the others.

Jasper pov

We turned at the sound of heels descending the stairs . There looking like a sex goddess in the black and white business suit was our mate. God, she looked sexy and I was sure the others agreed with me if their emotions were anything to go by.

I took her in my arms  and whispered," u look beautiful darlin'"

She blushed and thanked me. Writing a quick note to her father,  we left her house for Seattle. Like before we were travelling with her while the girls were travelling in roses car

As we got into the car,  bella called her Secretary, she picked up on the first ring, " ms swan"

"Lily, I will be reaching Seattle in two hours or so, tell Jonathan to keep the documents ready in my office and ya open the condo, I m bringing some friends"

"yes ma'am,  it will  be done "

"thank u"

Bella hung up and concentrated on driving. "u sounded total badass on the phone babe" Emmett said making us laugh.

" I have to be Emmett, girls like Lily though efficient r lazy they need to be kept in check for the comPany's benefit."

We understood what she meant. We spoke about our lives but not our pasts. I asked her what did there company do exactly

She replied," We were a group of friends who wanted to start different businesses... So we came together n started a company which incorporated all our interests. Today we have hotels, clubs, bars n casinos at many places in America n an evemy mgmt company alongwith blush magAzine and fashion brand Glamour

We r planning to soon go into gyms n cars also"

She finished just as we entered Seattle. We were amazed with the diversity in her company.

Soon we pulled in front of a large hotel. It was very grand and beautiful....the bellboy rushed to open the door for her as others did for us. She greetd them smiling and they returned the gesture... She put on the blazer and did the buttons...if she looked sexy before I didn't know what to call her now... She was a fucking goddess and she was all ours. Edward smiled and nodded, bella must have felt our stares on her cause she turned around and winked at us while mouthing "later"

Well cant wait my kitten

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