friends and school bitches

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I got out of the car and turned

I heard multiple gasps and whispers

Guys were gazing at my body wistfully and with awe

Girls were glaring at me

But I paid them no mind

I held my head high and walked to the office

The office was spacious but very dull for my taste

There was a red haired middled aged woman at the desk

The name plate said "mrs. Cope"

I went up to her and said " hi I am Isabella swan and would like to have my schedule please"

She looked at me in awe and said " of course Isabella the school has been waiting for you.. It's a pleasure and a proud moment that a successful businesswoman like you wants to study in our school"

I blushed and thanked her

She gave me my schedule and wished me good luck..

I left the office and made my way to my locker

" you r Isabella right??"

I turned around to see a baby face guy who stood there running his eyes through my body

Oh no, a jock Nd a pervert. Great ( note the sarcasm)

I just nodded my head and turned

He continued in what he thought a sexy voice, " my names Mike if you ever wanna go out Or something let me know.. I ll make it worth your while"

He said and winked

I looked at him with my practised expressionless face

I glanced around and saw the entire hall way was listening

Time to show this wuss who I was

I smirked and said,  " I m sorry Mikey,  I don't think u will be able to afford taking me or foe that matter even tthinking about it"

His face was priceless

I kept up a smile and walked to  my first class

Classes passed by in a breeze and soon it was lunch

All day I had recd compliments on my success and beauty,  was hit upon by guys and recd glares and awed looks

I sighed and made my way to the cafeteria

As I entered the cafeteria., I was asked to sit with the so called "popular group" it mainly consisted of jocks and sultry girls

There were s few nice ones also

I liked a brown haired girl named Angela, she was shy but easy to talk to.

The. There was Jessica, the queen b

But she acted nice a d sweet to me

I obviously knew the reason why

She wanted attention

I looked around the school and that's when I first saw them....

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