calming n releasing tension

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Jasper pov

I was fuming at that point, we all were...

That prick tried to touch my mate... Fucking asshole bad a death wish

The anger from others fueled mine and we were shaking

But to the credit of my mate, instead if cowering with fear, she calmly cane up to me and rubbed my back hugging me

I breathed in her scent to calm myself

I finally relaxed as she kissed my neck and whispered her love for me

She went to the others and did the same for them

Emmett hugged her and ran her to the bedroom with us hot on their tail

We all know where it went from there

As we lay beside Bella panting after three hours of love making, Bella got up dragging the sheets with her

We gazed at her admiringly

She smirked and entered the shower

As we got up y2k join her she shook her head

We frowned and pouted

" don't pout, u all know that if u join me we will take forever to come out

So go n get ready somewhere else"

She said entering the shower

After the shower we sat in the hall cuddling with Bella who was in my lap

Charlie and esme joined us

Alice came bounding down the stairs and

Said, "there is a thunderstorm today so any one up for basebalI" we all nodded excited  and got ready

Bella looked ravishing in baseball top, skinny jeans and her hair in a pony..

Edward went up to her and placed a baseball cap on her head

We took the jeep and the Ducati with me and Bella on the Ducati and the rest on the jeep..

It was going to be one he'll of a night

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