Charlie and esme

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Charlie pov

Coming home to find my teenage daughter making out with 4 guys was a moment I had never thought to come in my life

Bella was straddling doctor Cullen while he kissed her breasts and his foster sons kissed her neck and lips

I was fuming when the doorbell rang n I opened the door to come face to face with the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.. She let out a shocked gasp and the word "mate" left her perfectly plump pink lips... On instinct I pulled her towards me and crashed my lips to hers...

Her hands went to my hair and she pulled me closer than ever

I bit her bottom lip and she obliged opening her mouth.. Our tongues went at war which I won and explored her mouth

I would gave taken her there and then if somebody had not cleared their throat

We pulled away and she smiled brightly at me and said,  " I'm Esme"

We turned and Alice and Rosalie Cullen squealed and hugged both of us congratulating us

Bella was beaming at me and turned to smile at the guys who returned it..

I could see in their eyes that they all loved her and weren't just lusting after her and this reflected in her eyes also n this confused the hell out of me..

Esme sensing this told me to take a seat a nd seated herself in my lap

I was happy she did that

The rest took similar positions with Alice in Rosalie's lap n bella in Edwards and the others around them

They then went on to tell me about mates and vampires which shocked me but I was happy that I had a wonderful mate like esme

I kissed her and turned to bella...

twilight - 4 mates, god save me pls!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now