loving u

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Jasper pov

I was stunned into silence at her words..

I grabbed her close and kissed her hard. My tongue plunged into her mouth and I tasted every corner revelling in her scent and taste

She pulled away for breathing and started kissing my neck

I groaned n started grinding my lower half

She moaned into my neck n pulled me to the bed n sat me down on it

"u guys need inviting?" she said looking at the others over her shoulders

Carlisle had grabbed her and was kissing her in an instant

The others made their way over n started kissing her on the neck

She seated them next to me

The bed was big enough to accommodate five of us...

She turned and turned off the light

She started to light The candles one by one

The room was bathed in candle light and our mate looked sensuous as she glowed in the light

Third person

Bella turned and slowly made her way towards Emmett

She.straddled his laps and kissed him softly before moving downwards kissing skin all the way long

She would occasionally lick a random spot she kissed sucked and nibbled playfully making her way down

Finally she came face to face with his Emmett junior

She glanced up at him through his eyelashes

Emmett was moaning and was thinking about his sex goddess of a mate

Bella caught the waistband of his swimming trunks and pulled them down

Emmett raised his hips to help her remove them completely

Bella licked her lips at his size and slowly stroked him with her hand

His clock jerked and became harder than ever before

She licked the tip of his member teasingly before taking him in her mouth completely

"fucking shit" Emmett growled and grabbing her head fucked her mouth

Bella was acting like a pro as she sucked and took him in thanking her lack of gag reflex

She deep throated him and just as she felt he was about to cum she pulled away and moved to Carlisle pushing him on the bed and doing the same with him before moving to Edward and lastly jasper

She knew by instinct that Emmett would come first so she took him in once again and gave his balls a squeeze causing him to growl and release into herror mouth

She moaned at his taste and swallowed him to the last drop

She moved to Carlisle and took him in her mouth sucking and swallowing his juices as he released in her mouth

She grabbed Edward's face and kissed him before grabbing his lower half in her mouth ravishing it with her tongue

Edward groaned out his release and fell back on the bed taking unnecessary breaths

Bella finally moved to jasper sending hum a smile which he returned and kissed all his scars before taking him in and swallowing his release

Her four mates were breathing heavily lying back on the bed before jasper grabbed her hand laid her on the bed on Emmett while the others hovered over her

" now it is your turn baby" Emmett whispered in her ears...

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