new friends

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Emmett pov

Well to say I was angry was an understatement

That Jessica was talking ill about me and my family

But that anger turned to shock and awe as Isabella a girl who didn't even know us stood up for us

She retorted," Jessica I don't know what ur problem is but u should not talk about them like this...the Cullens May seem like they don't talk to anyone but they are a close knit family who stick together

Edward seems the kind of guy to help you through your problems while Emmett is fun to be with and a giant teddy bear. Alice is someone like me who loves yo have fun and is a fan of shopping whereas Rosalie is protective of her family n loves kids n working on cars. Lastly jasper looks to be very brave and sensitive to other people's feelings. You r a bitch because u cannot be like them n that makes u jealous"

We were in awe of her because no one stood up for anyone like that

The next words scared Jessica like hell

" and listen up if the next time I find u speaking ill of me or the Cullens U will know the reason why my business rivals do not dare to cross me... Consider it a warning.. If I hear such talks again... U will wish I did not know about forks, Washington."

The entire cafeteria was silent. Bella picked up her bag and was about to leave when she looked towards our table and then...

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