mate n sex gods

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Jasper pov

She eyes first found mine and my whole world found New meaning

She became the reason of my existence

I was a blind man seeing light for the first time

She was my mate

Her eyes took in my form and I felt her lust and longing spike a bit

I smirked internally my mate was affected by me alright!!

Edward pov

I was shocked jasper had a human mate but was happy for him

I was just about to congratulate him when bella's eyes met mine and my thoughts were same as jasper's had been

She was my mate

Emmett pov

I saw her look towards Edward and jasper and move her eyes over to me

As her eyes met mine I confirmed what I had suspected considering me being attracted to her

She was my mate

Edward looked confused, " how can she be a mate to all three of us?"

"What do u mean??" I asked

" all our three's thoughts and feelings towards her are the same as of She is a mate for all three of us"
What??? I and jasper said simultaneously

Alice chimed in and said, " Edwards right she is the one for all of u your mate. You are to share her

She is special, treat her well"

All of us looked at each other and slowly our faces broke out into similar grins

"we will" we said in unison.

Bella pov

Who were these sex gods????

God,  I was lusting after three guys at the same time

But it wasn't just lust, it was almost as if fireworks exploded when I met each of their eyes
What am I thinking???

I composed myself and gave their table my full blown smile. The black haired girl whom I presumed to be Alice motioned me over as half the break was left. I was about to make my way over when my phone began ringing

I removed my phone and saw the caller-id

twilight - 4 mates, god save me pls!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now