Chapter 10

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On the side is a song called 'When You Can't Sleep At Night' try listening to it during the chapter okay? I think it goes with it pretty well <3



            “Justin?” A familiar voice hummed. Moments after, I felt a light grip on my hand. The soft touch was familiar and kind. Taking a painful deep breath, I coiled my fingers around the familiar hand. “Justin please wake up.” The female voice quivered, causing the hand to shake. The person dropped her head beside me and exhaled uneasily. “I need you to wake up… please?” She begged lightly with a crack in her voice. I couldn’t tell who she was, and quite frankly I wasn’t even sure where I was, but I still couldn’t stand to hear her cry.

            “Shhhh.” I hushed, shaking my heavy head. I rubbed my thumb on her hand soothingly, and she held it tighter. “It’s alright.” I opened my hazy eyes, to find whoever it was. Through my drugged and tired vision, a familiar face looked back at me. Her long, brown hair draped over her red face, wet from tears. Her hazel eyes softened in relief, allowing a smile to crack on her lips. “ Sarah…” I sighed, raising my hand to wipe her tears. “Thank god.” I hummed, as he leaned her head into my hand. “What happened to you?” I asked in concern, noticing the bandage covering her left hand. “They didn’t hurt you did they?” I asked, panic shooting through me.

            She shook her head and lowered her hand, so I could no longer see. “It’s nothing. “ she assured me, though I could hear worry in her voice. I gave her an unconvinced look, but I knew she’d never tell me what had happened. “Are you doing alright?” She asked me, trying to change the topic. She drew her hand along the thick bandaged along my abdomen and cringed. “I’m so sorry I let him do this to you. I shouldn’t have let you get hurt. I should have been with you… it should have been me.” She mumbled under her breath, blinking quickly to stop tears from falling. Please don’t cry.

            “Sarah,” I plead, taking her hand off my bandage and holding it in mine. “Please look at me.” She forced her hurt, teary gaze up from my stomach and looked me in the eyes. I could see how much it hurt her to make herself look at me.  Her eyes were teary and red and her lip quivered with every struggling breath. She was trying to be strong, but she wasn’t doing a very good job at it. She was scared and worried and I couldn’t do anything to help. I wanted more than anything to get up and wrap my arms around her tighter than ever and never let go. To take her hand and find a way to prove that we were safe and we would never be hurt again. To take off my bandages and show her I was alright. I just wanted to make her smileagain. But… I couldn’t. Even breathing was a struggle in my condition; there was no way I’d be able to get up and hug her. “ Give me your hand.” I ordered, opening my palm. She gave me a questioning look, but I just gave her a soft smile. “Please?” I begged softly. She nodded; wiping her eyes again and took my hand.

Closing my eyes, I began to smile. I began to pulse my hand and she pulsed back. I cracked my eye open for a second and found Sarah with her head down on my bed and her eyes closed. A light smile was drawn on her lips and her tears were nearly gone. Once again, I closed my eyes, feeling more at peace than ever. It didn’t mater where we were, whether it was a dark basement or an unfamiliar hospital. I made a promise. I was going to protect Sarah no mater what. Even if all it meant was making her smile when she needed it the most; I was going to make it happen. “I thought I lost you…” Sarah pulsed. “I thought you were gone. I didn’t know what I was going to do.”

I tightened my grip, just holding her hand as tight as I could. I didn’t pulse or tap the bed; I just lay there making sure she knew I was there. “I’m not going anywhere.” I tapped eventually, with my other hand. “I’ll be by your side until the very end okay? I will protect you.” The covers rustled as though she nodded, but she never responded directly. It was fine though. As long as she knew I was there for good, I was alright.

A little while later, after Sarah had fallen asleep in the chair beside me, a nurse walked in. My lock on Sarah’s hand tightened, as she walked closer, but I could tell that she wasn’t a threat. “Hi I’m Dr. Ellis.” She hummed, stepping beside my bed. I nodded, a bit coldly, waiting for her to continue. “Honey, I’m going to need to take her back to her room.” She said sadly, placing her hand on Sarah’s back. Instantly Sarah flinched and curled closer to me.

“Don’t let her take me.” She plead, though her words were muffled in the covers. Nothing more needed to be said, to tell me that Sarah wasn’t leaving. I didn’t know what Dr. Ellis had done, but whatever it was had a big impact on Sarah. Something caused her to jolt away at a mere touch, and I wasn’t going to risk finding out what.

I shook my head bitterly and released her hand, wrapping my arm securely around her. “She’s fine.” I stated bluntly, snarling a bit.

Stepping a bit back, Dr. Ellis continued to try and take her. “Sir I promise she can come back tomorrow.” She assured me, pushing her light brown air behind her ears. “But she needs to return to her room for the night.”

“Get. Back.” I snarled. I tried to raise my voice, but the pain itself was nearly unbearable. Sweat dripped down my forehead, as all my muscles tensed protectively. I abdomen throbbed and shouted at me, where I’d been shot, but I didn’t care. She wasn’t taking Sarah.

We stayed there frozen for a while, just staring, waiting for someone to make the next move. The whole time Sarah’s shaking body remained in my arm and my glare remained strong. I was about to pass out from the agony, when Dr. Ellis did something unexpected. She left. Without any words, she walked out of the room and returned a few moments later with an extra pillow and blanket for Sarah. Placing them at the end of my bed, she gave me a soft smile. “Goodnight.” She said quietly, turning off the lights behind her. I gave her a thankful nod and returned my tired eyes to Sarah. My heavy eyelids continued to fall over and over, but I had to keep them open.

I managed to remain awake for an hour, but my body eventually gave out. However, my arm never left Sarah’s side. There was no way I’d let her get hurt again. “Goodnight.” I tapped before falling into a much-needed sleep.


Hey lovelies sorry I haven't updated recently xP Anyway I hope you like this chapter. Also did you like the song? I'm trying to get a good playlist for this story so let me know what you think of the songs in it so far okay?

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