Chapter 28

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Kitsune's POV:

Well this is Interesting

The yellow haired idiot is going to teach me one of his "Ultimate Jutsu" that on the non perfect state could make you an A class Ninja?

Why not? This is a great opportunity.

It was just the norms, feeling their negative emotions that is frustration and losing hope through "negative emotion sensing" that Kurama apparently have bestowed onto me. I ignored their emotions intentionally as I hone the intake of Natural Energy, almost perfecting it upon making the discovery that I can shorten the amount of time to do so with shadow clones, like ten of them and two more clones to smack the shit out of those that lose concentration.

Well now, I have successfully grabbed onto the Natural Energy and brought it in my body for my chakra, Kurama's chakra and the Natural Chakra to accept each other. I have retained everything, my genjutsu features and no abnormalities can be seen. Well, almost. My ears elongated a bit but not too noticable. My eyes have an orange rim around it and my pupils remind me of my eyes when I have yet to discover the key to open Kurama's cage on Yondaime Baka's library. Seriously leaving it in a corner, unguarded with it's blood red colored back sticking out like a sore thumb. No wonder I managed to learn many Ninjutsu at a young age, I lived with someone irresponsible.

My five senses sky rocketed and I feel as if I could release stronger attack without using me and Kurama's forms. I can see a lot of hidden possibilities upon this knowledge.

And that leads to the blonde idiot asking if I want to learn his Jutsu. That and the older Namikaze's Hirashin jutsu are the only jutsu's I have yet to learn as the instructions are not found in his library. And even the Jutsu he based Hirashin on can not be found anywhere, no matter how hard I tried.

"Is there a hidden intention or consequence in yoy teaching me one of your sacred probably family Jutsu Yondaime sama?"

"No, there is non. You can probably learn this immediately seeing as you have great chakra control. Using two chakra natures that weaken each other out to create a jutsu that does something is unheard off. So I am as sure that you will learn to use the Rasengan quickly and could probably put your Chakra nature into it immediatrly. The other reason is confidential, well for now but I will tell you in the near future in a safer place."

"I will gladly accept your offer Hokage sama, although it looks like my cute genin wants to tell something. He looks like he is about to throw a fit and I would not want to deal it again."

They talked far away from me, as requested by the younger  Namikaze. I only heard the brat scream "unfair" and "why does sensei have mastery over sage mode faster than us" and many more complaints on how I do not deserve to learn Rasengan. Bakage did something after a while which I was not expecting. He reprimanded his son, scolding him for acting like a brat over obvious things.

It was very amusing to hear the older one get mad at his son. And so I did what any logical nearly adult do.

I watched and actually used my neely acquired sage mode to listen to every word they exchanged while I stood there. On the outside, I looked like I was not minding them. They went on and on as they bicker. The older having the upper hand of their fight.





The red headed teen looked shock. I actually took a step back to get rid of my shock. He figured it out? I knew he was smarter than what he shows but was I obvious? I did my best to supress my chakra, besides I thought they would not recognize my chakra since I thought they would not know what my chakra looks like. I got rid of every fiber of hair or any speck of blood, no matter how small from any of my tools, the blood clones did too. I trust Kakashi nii and Hinata chan not to tell a soul of my identity. So how? Is that the reason why he trusted me with Mito?

"We have had our suspicions........... that Kitsune is actually your brother."


The two were conversing from far away still, but I could hear them clearly. I also want to know how they knew it was me.

"His cremation ashes. As irresponsible as it sounds, we only got the cremation jar two months after he was cremated. He slipped from our minds. After getting it home, we checked it only to see that it was completely empty aside from the kanji lettering for 'Blood'. Did you really think that me and your mom were out on a mission?"

"Yeah, that was what you have told me time to time."

"We were looking for answers to our questions. Is he alive? And if so, why has he not return yet? Then it hit us like a truck. It started when we tried searching for his chakra signature in the village, only to realize that we don't know his signature. We also checked his old room, reminding us of how we did nottreat him as well as we treat you. His room was devoid of colors, paint slowly being peeled off and the ceiling nearly falling apart. He did not even have a seal that restores everything into it's proper order like the ones inside the other parts of the house. Then, another horrible discovery made it's way to us. Something shiny caught my eyes upon giving the ceiling a closer inspection...."

Oh no. I know what this is. I thought I got rid of it? Damn I was being careless.

"Many kunais, throwing knives and other weapons with dry blood present over them."

I knew it.

"What? Is it for real?"

I did not hear Yondaime answer, but he continued talking so I assumed he nodded.

"He really was being abused yet we turned a blind eye over the fact that he was being hurt by my villagers. Kushina sobbed so hard, although she was still pregnant that time. She was the one who was hit hard the most. She spanked your brother when he tells her that the villagers are abusing him. That day, we were reminded that we failed as parents, and still are failing if he has yet to return. The final clues are Kitsune himself."


"His main weapons, the Uzumaki Chakra Chains. Only achieved by someone with Uzumaki blood. And lastly yesterday, did you not notice that his hair turned to yellow that is closely identical to mine. I felt the Nine tail chakra inside him, whick should have been inside you."

Oh shit. I feel them turn to me.

"Now Kitsune, am I right?"

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