Chapter 14

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Kitsune's POV:

"I am officialy retiring."

"Should I call Inu san then for you to tell him that he is going to reolace you?"

"No, I have someone else in mind."

"Then Karasu?"

"No, I wanted someone else."

"Who do you want to replace you then Ryū sama?"


And just like that, shit has gone real.

"Me Ryū sama? You do realize that in doing so, you would be leaving the whole ANBU department, even old man Danzo's old ROOT department, under the care of a sadistic teenager no less than 18 years old. You might want to reconsider Ryū sama."

"I have already asked from your higher ups for recommendations and if they agree and they did. They say that you have the most success rate in the whole ANBU, only failing one because of a clone's playfullnes and taking the recipe for itching powder instead of important peace treaties from Suna."

"See Ryū sama? My clone's are exactly like me so I am still quite childish and could lead all ANBU to their dooms."

"Or, with your intellect and quick decission making you could lead them to greatness. You prevented tons of accidents that could have been bad for our village. Like developing a seal that would make the Uchiha's immune to genjutsu, making the orders given to them to start a civil war to disappear. You protected our village from the Suna and Sound invasion. Created a treaty with the Mizukage and getting the Sannin titile. I think that all your good deeds outweight a single failed mission. Besides, your hapoy little accident made your capture missions easier. "

"That may be true Ryū sama but I have take  in a student under me. What would happen to her?"

"It would be your choice to make. So, do you accept?"

"Yes, although do you accept that I will be the new ANBU commander with all your heart?"

"Of course."

"Ok then Ryū sama."

"Wait do you are a teenager?" Cut in that stupid Bakage, I forgot he even existed.

'No shit'

"Who knows Hokage sama, I may be a full grown adult in a henge. Although passing gennin literally means you are an adult. It is for you to decide Hokage sama."

"Ok then, Kitsune, as Hokage and with the permission of Ryū, I now announce that you are officialy the new ANBU Commander. You will be my right hand man and is second in command. You will also be expected to take over in my absence -"

"Stop, it was not in the rules that I will take over in your absence Hokage sama, please do not add responsibilities in my already spilling bucket."

"Welp I tried. You are now free to leave Kitsune."

I left with another shunshin after releasing blood colored liquid onto the floor. The poor gennins that are to be assigned there are going to have a hard time removing those. I made sure of that. I arrived ontop of the Hokage Mountains, right above the first Hoage's carved head. I sat down and overlooked the village that scorned me as Naruto and celebrated in my Death. Karma is a bitch and would bite them soon anyways, and I will be watching it happen.


"Good morning Naruto kun!" Greeted the only angel Kami sama has allowed me to see.

"Good morning Hinata chan. Are you ready to take the mission? This is an A Rank mission, it would make us immobilize some people, gather some and we might need to kill some people. We could try again next time if you-"

"It is fine Naruto kun. I believe in your powers! I could also defend myself thanks to your teachings, so I am confident!"

Over the month, my life is stressful. I got christened to the life of having paper works which is hard, would probably retire on my 25th birthday. My promotion has been made public and many cheered. I left a new bloodclone to do the office works, poor guy, he might kill himself the first year. Hinata chan and I managed to perfect her new jutsu after restarting from scratch after finding a flaw which is fine. We also started in her Elemental chakra, which is hard for me to explain since I do not have water realease at the moment. She successfully turn a leaf i to pure water. Now we are trying to get water from the air particles but placed it on Hiatus for now since we have a mission to do and a promotion to give.

"Did you bring everything I told you?"

"Hai! But I am confused about the Pepper....."

"Pay it no mind! That would come helpful immediately. Now then let us start our mission!"

We made our way towards the gate for Hinata to get a pass, since she does not have Sannin status. We ventured towards the South. More importantly, towards what Orochimaru called his Southern Base. We were told to look for a red head with the name of Uzumaki Karin. I remember my Emo gennin telling me of a red haired he save, I thought he was lying but later it was proven true by Orochimaru himself after claiming he took the child back to his base. He really is a Pedophile.

The only question is where will she stay? I do not trust the child with the Bakage family, and he does not know of her excistance yet, since he was stupid enough to leave the interogation report alone to spend time with his wife. Probably making a third Namikaze or  second if not including me. At Orochimaru's lab then? She could meet Sasuke and thank him. Anyways we are nearing a big ass rock. Sure not suspicious at all. We went to it and lifted the rock to Surprise Surprise a metal latch. We unlocked it and using Hinata's byakugan, estimated the drop height and to see anything suspicous. The drop was fairly high and I agreed to catch Hinata, Lucky me.

"Ok Hinata, you know what to do."

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