Chapter 23

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(A/N: I should be studying right now for a big test but meh we will all die anyways. Please don't follow my example :>)

Kitsune POV:

Tap Tap Tap Tap stop. I am being led by my beautiful girlfriend somewhere whitin the village near the walls but she stopped walking. She slowly turned around as the area grew cold, colors seemed to fade around me as a very cold and scary aura radiated from where Hinata chan is standing. She may be a well known pacifist, who does not kill much and dances gracefully around lethal attacks such as Jutsu's and weapons. But no one ever said that she is weak. Her gentle natures hides a dragon that when awakened would utterly destroy you within seconds. And it is sad to say that the dragon have awakend from its gentle slumber ready to rain down it's wrath on the victim.

And with all the luck I had, it seems it has its limits since the soon to be victim is me. I slowly backed off as she advanced towards me with a jyuuken fist ready. I ran the other way as I hear soft pattering of shoes behind me. Her soft steps is a technic she made herself to make the victims think that she is far away when she is just inches away from  you.

I quickly did a shunshin away from the main part of the village and into the gates, ready to go outside when necessary just to stop her from landing a hit on me. But she was faster, to reach there and was fast enough to pinpoint where I would go. She did a jyuuken strike to my right shoulder as I backed away pleading to her.

"Please have mercy on me! "

"Ara? Fine then. Would ten jyuuken strikes be enough Kitsune sama~"

She says as she lunched herself towards me. I took all the strikes, knowing full well she would chase me wherever I go and could do so for more than a week. It was sad to see me in that state. My body felt limp and everything felt numb. Good thing she was holding back, if not she would have brought out her Twin Lion Steps. And trust me, a single strike to a non vital chakra point would make that place numb for a month and close it off for a month. She slowly carried me as she finished opening back up the chakra points she closed while muttering her sorry. She was cute, at times she would be gentle and very timid and at others she is very scary. She mostly shows me the timid and shy part of her. Although she no longer stutters.

"Kitsune bad news."

"Yondaime sama? How did you come here."

"That is not the point but please go to our home, something is wrong with Menma."


And so, Hinata chan and I did a clean shunshin that dropped nothing to arrive at the Uzumaki - Namikaze house hold with no mess. There, the sounds of whining and screaming is evident.

'Is he dying? Finally. But I am assuming the banana haired Hokage wants him alive'

I went to where the sound originated and see Menma laying on the couch in the living, clutching his stomach. Knowing what mostly  happened , I secretly gave Hinata chan the poison I grabbed from Sasori's puppets that I was planning to cultivate and produce as my own. Good thing I thought about that and took extras. Hinata chan, knowing what happened, went straight to Sakura to make her produce an antidote, leaving no sound at all nor proof of her being at the house in the first place. But let us play a prank shall we?

"Menma, point to me the exact place where the pain is originating from."

As I say so, he pointed to where the bladder  is located. Did he drink it? Is he stupid? But this is perfect, in my understanding of anatomy, there is an organ that is present there. For females.

"Menma I want you to go and pee on this."

I say shoving a piece of random stick that got snagged on my clothes while running.

"But why?" He says, pain still written all over his face.

"So that I could figure out what the fuck is wrong with you"

Suddenly a wooden mixing spoon went flying through the air and hit me straight to the head.

"Kitsu nii! No shweawing! Mama says so."

I smiled at her before looking back towards where Menma is at but find him not being there. A few seconds later he came out running, still in pain and shoved the stick to my now gloved hand. Now why the fuck would I touch a random stick with piss from a person? I acted like I was reading something written on the stick, when there is nothing on it as the family watched me. Minato is not suspicious of me analysing a stick when he saw it well? What the fuck is wrong with them.

"I have bad news for you. Menma, you are pregnant."

Silence overtook the hause hold as the adults just gave me a "are you fucking kidding me" look.


"I am so disappointed Menma. Seriously, Yondaime sama, Kushina sama, did you give him the talk? Since I believe he still has not recieved the talk which is very crucial. And about what is really happening to you, I figured that you are actually dumb enough to drink the poison that was inside the puppet of Sasori. I already made Hinata chan let Sakura know about this and Sakura is probably almost done with the antitode. And Yondaime sama, please give your son the talk or something and teach him many more things. He can't even do a simple shunshin."

And just like that, I told the older members of their  family what Menma is lacking and it is mostly on practical stuff. Not even the talk was given by that Toad Sage, but he picked up that  old pervert's weird dance. But was that all he showed?

As we were talking, with the beautiful screaming of Menma and the light snores of Mito in the background, Sakura and Hinata chan came and Sakura straight up shoved the antidote down Menma's throat as we all excused ourselves in a clean shunshin.

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