Chapter 32

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Kurama's POV(surprise!!):

"Kurama!": Naruto
Naruto : Kurama's thoughts
'Naruto': Kurama talking to Naruto in mindscape

Destruction, it is all that I can see through the body of the kid. Infront of him stood the fucker who killed his girlfriend, his anger is basically still evident althoug I took over him for the meantime.

Calm down, you got this.

I slowly brought out his special weapon as I charged towards the enemy, only to be intersected by another with more metalic features than the others. There seems to be four enemies left, two of them seems to have been defeated.


'Calm down damnit, I'll take over until you calm down, you could not focus with your rage blocking your senses.'


Jeez, I'll block you out for now.

Using the sharp tips of the fan, I tried to cut off the arms of this Pain. It worked, but it reattached. I dodge to the side as I felt an enemy charging towards me, a Summoning Animal. I threw a small chakra bomb towards the animal only for one of the Pains to absorb it.

So one of them has a summoning jutsu, another has jutsu absorbtion. I am guessing the other has metal like structures on it's body, while the last one is unkown.

Damn it, I can't even feel this guy's brother figure Hokage, to think he has fallen.

I dropped a smoke bomb on my feet as I connected my weapon to chakra strings and made them go to different places, still within the battlefield.

To the right, a fast moving object, to the left, multiple projectiles. The last with the unknown ability has yet to move. So the best move is to attack it, or atleast try to, to see his ability.

I did a quick shunshin towards the last Pain, holding out a, what's it called? Oh yeah, a Rasengan towards it's face. It dodged.

I quickly moved a few steps back as I looked around, to see that the one with jutsu absorb Pain was looking towards my general direction.


I activated the seals on the fan blades that I spread around the battlefield, as it began releasing all the Lightning Kunai's towards the Animal summoning and the Metal one. Behind the Pain with unknown abilities, I placed the one with the fire waves.

The metal one was successfully destroyed as it focused on defending the one with the summoning jutsu, as the said Pain summoned a dog that mutiplied to avoid getting hit by lightning kunais. The Pain with the absorb ability kept on absorbing the huge fire wave, leaving the last Pain to itself.

So I attacked.

A chakra bomb in hand, which surprisingly also merged with a rasengan.

"Shinra Tensei"

I am blown back, quite the distance only to get my footing back. He pointed his arm towards me and I shunshined away into some rubbles, to think of the next plan.

'Naruto, you saw that right?'

"Yeah, he pushed you back, but there was no traces of wind chakra."

'So you finally calmed down, nevermind. This is troublesome, so what do we do?'

"Rush him, there has to be some sort of cooldown."

A small sticky sound knocked me out of my discussion with Naruto as I looked towards my left shoulder, where a slug now sits on top.

'Switch with me for now, a slug is here.'

"Lady Katsuyu "

"Kitsune san, I have come to inform to you intel that Godaime sama has recieved. The last pain, the one with six piercing on it's face has a five second cooldown everytime he uses his gravity ability. He did a big one but his ability's cooldown is probably over a few seconds ago. You probably figured out the other's, but the one with jutsu absorbtion can also suck out chakra, so be careful."

"Hai thank you Lady Katsuyu, by the way, what happened to Hokage sama?"

"Unfortunately he has fallen on battle."

Switch with him now!

"I understand, thank you for telling me."

She gave a small nod before disappearing.

He surprisingly took that well.

'So, are you ready to take over completely?'

"Take over for now Kurama, I will think of a plan."

'Make sure it is good brat.'


A giant cloud appeared.

'Seriously? A frog on top of a human on top of a frog, on top of a frog?'



It seems this brats family is late, but still a shunshined towards them as the brat took over again, to tell his plan to his family.

"Please take care of the girl, she has summoning. One of you take care of the bald guy, he can absorb chakra so be careful. I will take care of the last."

"But -"


I took over again, as I went to attack the gravity Pain, going back a few steps whenever he presses his palms forwards, and moving to the side whenever he forms a choke hold on his hand. I don't know why but it is just my senses telling me so I do it.

"Kurama, draw him out of the village. I have a plan"


I started running out of the village as slow as possible to avoid suspicion, while still attacking him with chakra bombs and a few kunais with paper bombs attached. Sadly I do not know how to call out his Uzumaki Chakra Chains. It's a miracle that I could fight this well using his body when I only take over once a month.

Finally, I am atleast a mile away from the village walls as the gravity Pain is still in pursuit, after many destructions, giant rocks, and black rod things being thrown my way.

"Go to eight tails mode, Kurama but slowly."

'Can't we use our Orange glowy mode?'

"Not yet, he may not be the only enemy."

And so I did as told, starting from four tails up and acting as savagely as possible. I am seriously taking orders from a sixteen year old, oh how low I have stooped. Now he is running away. That damn fucker was chasing me now he is the one being chased, how amazing.

He kept on blocking my chakra bomb even though it was one after another. Sadly I can't shunshin in this mode since it is unstable. I am already at seven tails and the gravity Pain looks rough, clothes in tatters with many scratches and possibly bruises present on his upper half.


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