Chapter 43

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Kitsune's POV:

The journey back to Konoha was over in a flash. Literally. Minato san grabbed us by the hands(including Tsunade sama who grabbed onto his shoulder instead) and Hiraishined us back towards the main gates.

I was not even able to ask Mei sama why she placed a bounty on my head in the first place. My only guess is that she wanted to marry me or something and was desperate enough to put a bounty. It said Alive after all.

Moving through space itself was basically a normal to me thanks to reverse summoning but the experience of going through many objects wuthout crashing into them was fun.

I wonder if he crashed into many things during the jutsu's development. It would have been fun watching it.

Speaking of the older blonde, he is currently dragging me through a Konoha heading towards the Training grounds. I could easily get him off but I am just letting him pull me around.

It was a weird sight, seeing Kitsune being pulled around by the Fourth Hokage. Some people averted their eyes when they saw my mask, probably the people who onced hated me under my mask.

I don't forgive them, probably never will but when it comes to duty, I will protect them since they are still a part of Konoha and I swore my loyalty towards her. Even though it has many pieces of shits roaming around.

We finally arrived at training ground six. This training ground is basically useless since it is small but I can sense two chakra signatures coming from deeper within.

"Why have you brought me here, Minato san"

"W- Well I thought that I should formally introduce you to Kushina again. She was dying to see you again."


Ah yes my birth mother, Kushina sama. Not really many good memories about her. Spanking your child hard and basically labeling them a lier can not be excused. Neglecting them for another is a much more inexcusable act.

"I don't think I would like to see her again."

"You said it yourself that we deserve a chance. Please?"

I hesitated a bit but gave a small nod, feeling unsure of this and probably regreting making that promise. It was more of a heat of the moment kind of thing.

Every step felt heavy as a voice in my head is shouting at me to get the fuck out of there.

No, it's not Kurama, he has to rest to get more chakra in him for the big fight and a secrete weapon.

From my thirteen year old self to my four year old self, I have not had the courage of seeing her face. Whenever I encountered her, I usually look at her feet, scared of seeing her face when being hit or scolded for telling the truth. Up until now, the fear of seeing her face is still present.

Hundreds of days worth of memories started being dug up from their graves. All from different days, months and some even different years. But they were all the same in one context. Pain, pain recieved from my birth mother.

I stopped walking, trying to keep myself under control as her chakra signature came closer to our direction as the other went away. I looked down, upon instinct , hearing her voice calling out to Minato san.

Her chakra signature stopped coming towards us and I looked up, only to lock eyes with her through the eyeholes of my mask.

I froze. What was that emotion in her eyes? It was neither anger nor disappointment. It was not the same raging lightning storms that I was used to seeing when I  looked at her eyes by accident as a child. It was not the same dry violet orbs that glared at me as I told the truth.

It looked sad. It was just a second of eye contact but the sadness in her eyes can be seen. And there was something else. Regret? Where her eyes showing the emotion of regret?

My thoughts clouded my senses and I did not notice her coming closer. I opened my eyes again to see her hands coming closer towards me.

I stepped back, placing my hands up in defense by instinct. It was how I did when I was a child.

She stepped closer again and faster than I could react, she wrapped her arms around me, placing her head on my shoulders.

Warm liquid gathered around the small gap in my armor around my shoulders as small sobs can be heard.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry"

The words kept on coming out of her mouth as her tears kept on soaking my shoulder.

I did not move. I can not move. Never in my life have I heard her say sorry for anything. It was always anger and frustration along with words of disappointment. Those were the only words I heard from her.


It was the only response I could give as she kept on hugging me in a tight manner, but not too tight so that I could breathe. She stopped apologizing and only her sobs and heavy breathing could be heard.

"She is sorry for everything, Naruto"

"Why now?"

It was probably not the best question I asked but it was the only one my brain could process. My brain is being wrapped around the memories containing my childhood life around them, along with my confusion of what Kushina sama has told. For short I was not at the best of conditions.

"I always wanted to hear her say something other than words of anger or frustration or disappointment."

She stopped sobbing as she sloqly backed off from me after hearing me say the last few words of my statement.

She looked horrified.

"Why now? Now that I don't need to hear them. Why now that the damage is done. Why now that the damages can no longer be fixed. Why now that my childhood is ruined. Why now."

(A/N: mm yes eye sweat. Won't probably be as good as the Minato one but I will still try my best)

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