Chapter 5

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Kitsune's POV:

We are eating peacefully with Tsunami san along with his son, Tazuna san, my team. The child kept on glaring at us as if we owe him any miney which we don't. I have my hood on and placed a genjutsu that hides my face in my ANBU mask to keep my identity hidden from others.

My team knowing who I really am is bad enough already and so I do not want any more, even our clients to see what is underneath my mask. Finally, the kid slams his fist on the table causing some plates to shake slightly spilling some of it's contents on the table including mine. But I, of course kept my cool.

" Why are you all here?! Gato will kill you all no matter what!"

" Gato is just a small old man who pays people to do his bidding"

I answered calmly, still eating my food.

" That is what you say since you do not know the our hardships. You ninja's live a wonderful life in luxary!"

I stood up and looked at the child making eye contact and quickly release some killing intent to everyone that would only make them shiver slightly.

" First of all, we ninja's are being used to go into wars and to expect battle and being injured. We are not in the life of luxary, we are used in the line of battle. Second, you have a much better life than some ninjas, take me as an example. You have caring family that loves you at your tender age, a place you could stay comfortable and feel safe. My family neglected me telling me that I am lying whenever the villagers beat me up wounding me or burning me. They lock me out most of the nights and don't give me food. So don't tell us that we live in the life of luxary because some people wish for what you have."

The child looked like he was about to cry before he went away in a hurry to who knows where.

" I apologize about Inari, his father figure died in the hands of Gato infront of the whole town just because he stood up agaimst him."

" I should be apologizing and don't worry, we will take care of Gato and his men."

The dinner went well after the outburst of the child now named Inari. My team went to sleep and I made a blood clone which is a little better than shadow clones. Earlier, I sent a tracking fox summon to find Gato's mansion and another fox to remember Gato's movements. By now he should already memorise every detail and is waiting for me along with my tracker summon.

I slowly went out of the house and got summoned near the mansion next to my tracker fox. The other fox gave me the brief explenation of Gato's movements and where he is right now. I thanked them both and they poofed away. I quickly went into Gato's mansion and sneaked around the guards. Infiltration and assasintaiton is my specialty and so this is easy for me. I located Gato's room and went in quickly without being noticed and quickly slapped some silencing seals around the room.

" Wake up you tiny old man!"

" W-what! What are you doing here? Guards!!"

" They won't hear you ya know. My silencing seals are the most effective. Now let us have some fun"

I say with a sadistic smile. I should stay away from Anko as much as possible.

I took care of him by removing his head and quickly sealed in as a gift for the hokage. I am sure he would love it. I disposed the other parts of his body by giving him to the foxes so they could get rid of it or anything. I don't care. I quickly transformed into him and took his place.

1 Week Later

I wired three-forth of Gato's funds to Wave and the remaining to my account since why not. Although it is a forth of his money, it still a lot considering his business. Around today, my team will meet up in the bridge and I would bring all of Gato's thugs to the bridge to dispose of them.

We made our way and saw Team 7 already there. I ordered the thugs to attack and were easily being countered by my team and Moomoo with Haku. I released my henge and attacked the thugs from behind, impaling and ripping them apart as blood showered from them.

I see Menma and the others get their first kills.

It is now or never so the would not freeze the next time and would have better coping skills. After a minute of onslaught, I undid my blood clone by slicing it's head of infront of my team earning a vomiting Sakura, a surprised Menma and a look of indifference from Sasuke. Seriously this guy might be a serial killer in the future.

I searched the bodies for any who have bounty on their head however small it is, luckily I left all of the heads and are still recognizable. I found three heads with bounty of 10,000 each but whatever I'll just take it. I sealed their heads and went back to the group.

" Sensei, why must you be so brutal?"

Sakura asked me oh so sweetly.

" The faster we get the job done the better. Besides, those are all of Gato's men and I already took care of Gato sending his money to this village. How are you all holding up for your first kill?"

" I think I will manage"

Sakura croaked out sounding like she would vomit again.

" It is better to get over it now" answered  Sasuke.

" I think I am good now, we are expected to kill anyway" answered Menma.

" Yo old cow, I guess I won on having the most killed huh?"

" Don't get used to it brat, you used a blood clone!"

" But you also used five water clones! Which is more than mine!"

" Fine you win! Haku let us go back to our village."

" Hai Zabuza sensei. I'll see you again Kitsune san."

Ah shit, I have to get rid of the bodies.

And so, I took care of all the bodies by summoning more foxes which disposed of them as fast as possible. I summoned shadow clones to help finish up the bridge as fast as possible. And within two days, the bridge finishes and named " The Great Kitsune's Bridge" as sudgested by Inari. Ever since the blood clone made up with Inari, they became close to each other to the point that the boy cried when he left.

" Team 7 you are dismissed and will be given a week off missions and will be given the normal class A mission pay. You are dismissed."

The genins left leaving behind Kitsune who has a very sadistic smile underneath his smile.

" Hokage sama~ I have four gifts to you~"

The Hokage paled immediately upon hearing gifts knowing full well what it was. Kitsune immediately unsealed the severed heads of Gato and Three low classed rogues.

" I hope you enjoy my gifts Hokage sama~"

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