Chapter 55

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Naruto's POV:

"Happy birthday Naruto "

It was exactly midnight.

Oh that's right. It's October ten already.

After news of our victory arrived in every division, the sound of thousands of Shinobi cheering and openly crying could be heard all over the world.

We had won.

But many lives have been lost in return.

Using my blood clones as an instrument of communication, it has been agreed upon that all able bodied shinobi would support their injured allies back to their villages. Well that was the initial plan anyways but I guess my seals made everything easier once again.

All Shinobi from each district will all go inside a cube that is given to the blood clones. Said blood clones will take stops between villages, allowing the shinobi from said village to get off.

Good thing I always brought extras. And kept some more extras in the fox summoning world.

Many grieved over their fallen comrades, among them were some members of the Konoha 12 - erm 11 .

In the middle of the group of people laid the body of Uzumaki Menma as his friends cried. He is the only one in their circle of friends who died.

It was heartbreaking to watch.

I stayed at one corner of the cube to cry in private.

My Kitsune mask on to avoid showing my tears.

It was my fault after all.

It should have been who died, not him.

He has more friends than me.

Has more important people in his life.

He was not even supposed to be included in the war.

I should have not promoted him to Chunin yet, it could have waited.

I should have been faster, so I could have saved him.

I should have been smarter, thinking up another idea to save him.

He could have lived.

It should have been me -

My self destructive thoughts came to a halt as I heard those words.

I lifted my head to look at the person who greeted me.

It was Kushina sama.

She had red puffy eyes.

That's right, she must be experiencing sadness the most. Her son just died after all.

"I could have saved him"


"He asked for my help but I did not go immediately"

She looked at me with a blank look.

"I - I thought that he would be alright when I was done with my part of the plan."

She just stared at me, she had an unreadable expression still present on her face.

"If only it was me that have died not him -"


I widened my eyes as she reached up towards my mask.

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