Chapter 19

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Kitsune POV:

"Naruto kun"

'Huh? I must have been daydreaming again. What was I dreaming about again? Oh right, this'

I say as I look at the bracelet that had been placed on my wrist. It was a simple gift but I will treasure it since Hinata chan made it herself. We are currently just lazing in the training ground after Kaka nii san forced us to take a break. He says Hinata already has a lot of experience to be ANBU. But I somewhat agree. Sure she is skilled enough to come out of a battke with only a few scratches but you can never be too prepared.

"Naruto kun, you were wriggling a lot in your sleep. Did something happen in your dream?"

"It was nothing, just remembering some things."

"Your shadowclone popped again huh?"

"How did you know?"

"You usually get the exhaustion of yoyr shadowclone and would sleep immediately." She says with a giggle.

"You really know me huh?" I asked with a small laugh.

"Of course."

We are currently beneath the giant tree we used to rest at. It is around sunset when I woke up .

More than six months have passed, and soon the so called "Prince of Konoha" would return with his Pervertad Godfather. I don't blame him, his uncensored version I managed to buy without Kaka nii knowing is great. All the things you could do with Ninja Wires.

Yondaime and Family are still living their happy lives inside their own comforts as they sometimes ask me to take care of their child when they go on missions. They could not ask Tsunade sama or her apprentice, Shizune since they are always needed in the hospital. Especailly my clones, those little shits are needed so they are always being healed.

I, of course took on the job as I wear a crown ontop of my head holding one of her toys as I do the best voice change I could. I also use chakra strings to make another toy move as we have a little conversation on how we kill the Yondaime. Or atleast that is what I wish but instead we are talking about having parties. She once called me "Kitsune Nii" and to my discomfort, it was when I was giving her back to her parents. They just laughed as I went out, not wanting to face the anger of The Red Hot Habannero again.  Once she sees blood stains on her floors, I have to run as far as I can.

I heard that Konohamaru, who calls me 'Nii san' even as the ANBU Commander, defeated the Red Minato in the Chunin exams held in Suna. Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon all made it to Chunin and all three defeated Menma in each corresponding Chunin exams. Guest all he learned from the Super Pervert were not that much being defeated by some one 3 year younger than him. The clone still takes care of them, as requested by the group, saying they will still be team Kitsune. I felt emotions from the clone leaking out as he accepted the request.

I felt Hinata combing my hair with her fingers, getting me out of my stupor.

"Ah gomen Hinata chan, we did not even converse properly thanks to my daydreaming."

"It is fine Naruto kun, spending time with you makes me happy so this already is enough for me."

'Spending time with me makes her happy? Is she hinting something?'

"You really are dense you idiot. I have been telling you for the last eight years of yohr excistance. She was practicaly begging for your attention when you first met."

'Oh shut up.'

"Hinata chan, would you go on a date with me?"

'What. That just came out of no where! Ahhhh why did I do that?! Where did that come from?!'

"D-D-D-Date?! Having a date with Naruto kun" I heard Hinata mumble to herself.

"It is fine if you do not want to, Hinata chan."

"No! I mean yes! I want to go on a date with you Naruto kun!"

We stared for each other for a second before both our faces turned red and we looked away from each other, clearly embarassed about something.

"So, shall we go?"

"How about your face?"

"Eh?! What is wrong with it Hinata chan?!"

"Nothing is wrong with it Naruto kun! Its just your indentity!" She said defendong herself.

"Ahh Haha Gomen. We could just use a Henge so no one else will know. Is that alright with you?"


I did a quick Henge and turned into a black haired guy with a Jonin flak jacket. Hinata chan turned into a girl that has black hair which reaches to her waist. I did a quick shunshin to any in the middle of the village and walked out of it. We quickly went into the nearest place, and we ended up in Ichiraku.

We ate all we can and Hinata chan ate 46 bowls of Ramen and I only ate 26. Let us just say old man Teuchi got a couple thousand yen just from me. I walked Hinata chan home as we dropped our henge. My mask was still on which is good. We reached the front gate and turned to go home. But before I could take a step, I felt warmth on my cheeks for a second before I heard a sofr squeel. I smiled knowing well what ut was since my other masks also moved. Thankfully no one saw me. I can't wait for tomorrow.


"Hinata chan, I am going to tell you something important okay?"


"I, Kitsune am asking you to join ANBU. Do you accept?"

"Of course!"

"Good, since I already believe in your expertise, I will not exam you since basically all the missions we did was one big exam. Starting today, you will be known as ANBU Mesunokitsune"

"Wait, is that not like female fox?"

"Yes it is."

"S-S-So are you a-a-asking me to be your girlfriend?"

"As expected you caught on. Would you, Hyuuga Hinata, accept me as your boyfriend?"

"Of course!"

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