Chapter 22

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Kitsune POV:



The sound of vomiting? But who the fuck would be vomiting right now? The only thing here are broken puppets, a blood clone and a red headed child. Ah wait he is just small.

"Sensei! What the fuck was that?!"

"Why the fuck are you three here?!"

I shouted as I pointed at the three people who were all vomiting all their meals onto the sand and onto my chains. Disgusting. I mean, I felt nauseus my first time being reversed summoned, twice since you need to go to the summoning fox forest and into where you were summoned. I held my vomit when it was the first time, cause who would want to sniff their own vomit without giving the stench an escape route?!

"Why the fuck are you blaming us sensei! You were the one who decided not to let us go!"

"This is a fucking mess. Anyways since you three are here, I guess you could sort of help. Oi! What the fuck is going on!"

"Boss! Sasori and Deidara decided to capture Kazekage sama. Sasori stayed and as you can see, is in combat with me and Deidara went in the village a few seconds before you came!"

The clone shouts while he pierced puppets after puppets with his attack chains, ripping them apart from the middle. The red headed brat thing is actually Sasori from what I observed and he has another puppet that has Magnet Style. Troublesome.

"Ok you three, I need Sasuke to stay behind and help my clone. With your lightning style, you could null the jutsu of the puppet with the magnet style got that? Menma and Sakura follow me into the village. Sakura, you will go help with the medical station and Menma, you will help in locating trapped villagers. I know you could sense chakra signatures you all do but being an Uzumaki, Menma, you have greater feats for it. Got the plan?"


We all went our merry way as I left all the destruction of the puppets to the two of them as we three headed towards the village entrance and into the village. What came upon was buildings blown up and some still being blown up as sand was flying everywhere thanks to Gaara's jutsu. Sand ninja's are jumping everywhere trying to save as much as possible. I heard the sound of puppets as they are being used in stopping debris from hitting any victims. We began working as Sakura headed to the medical station and Menma created three more shadowclones for faster search and rescue while keeping Chakra consumption to a minimum.

As for me? I decided to make use of a Jutsu I have been trying to make use of.

"Wind and Lightning Combination: Field of Lightning!"

I know not really imaginative since there really is no wind and lightning chakra nature being mixed together being discovered yet. All of Sunagakure is enveloped in a small electrical field that runs through the field making any dropped bomb by the Explosive clay user, Deidara, go null, making Gaara's focus onto the fight.

People watched high up in the air as a full out aerial battle is commencing. Knowing full well of the dangers, they watched while still being wary of any duds that may magically explode. Medic nins are healing all those who were injured as Sakura summoned Lady Katsuyu to help speed up the healing of others. Menma and his clones soon went to the healing areas all with injured villagers with them.

The battle went on as Gaara used his sand and some wind jutsu's to try and defeat the clay bomber but were only dodged or exploded. Until Gaara successfully got a hold onto the hand of Deidara. Gaara took the given time he had recieved and ripped of the arm of Deidara as the latter was setting out a string of curses. The blonde grabbed clay out of his packs as he chewed them through his actual mouth, while still managing to dodged every attack sent by the Kazekage. He spat out something that I did not see onto his hand as Gaara became alarmed as a crap ton of sand got raised onto the air.

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