Kitsune's POV:
Finally! I could go back to just doing S class missions or even training harder! All of my cute little gennins are all under the wing of a sannin. Tsunade sama took Sakura under her wing to teach her Medical Ninjutsu and probably to teach her taijutsu. Orochimaru was forced to teach Sasuke to use the curse mark. All I had to do is threaten on cutting the Snake bastard down and of course he could not bring harm to us. Lastly, Jiraiya the Toad Sage took that arrogant brat under him and went on a training trip. The whole village is happy to get rid of that nuisance although temporarily.
Jiraiya sama hates me. As much as I do not really care, and why should I, I guess I am just annoyed. That old bastard looks at me with jealousy leaking out of him. He must feel jealous that a mere child made the feared Orochimaru return to Konoha. Sure I defeated him but it is also beneficial for that Gama sage anyway. I seriously thought they were gay when I found out that Jiraiya chased down that snake bastard. The snake creep did have a stalker.
Finally released from the brats, I decided to train another gennin, not a brat this time. Hinata chan would be my greatest student. I already asked Kurenai and agreed with the condition of needing to go on missions with them still which is fine. I asked her if I could take her on some as well which she did not take Oh so Lightly. She literally made me promjse to her while bowing down to her. How embarassing to see an ANBU grovelling at the feet of Kurenai Yuuhi.
It was Black.
Anyways after many minutes of pursuasion and a lot of heart felt promises, she finally gave in and allowed me to take her on missions. Now explaining to Bakage is easier, since he trusts me a lot and would not doubt my requests. I wonder if I ask him to kill himself he would do it. Welp I will ask next time.
I should probably go meet up with Hinata chan. The last week had been better with me putting seals to block any one from the outside to see anything from the inside, thus making me remove my mask freelly, as requested by Hinata chan. I guess I was stupid for not thinking about that.
I did a quick shunshin to the training ground and saw her training with the dummy which was taking the end of her strong attacks. Poor guy had seen better days. Oh wait he is the 500 plus training dummy I had to replace, whoops.
"Hinata chan, I could see that we need to replace that poor guy. Good job on strengthening your jabs."
"N-Naruto kun! I did not see you there. I guess I still have to train my byakugan better. Anyways why did you call me out here? "
"Hinata chan, I know I promised that I would train you but I wanted to go to Suna and Hokage sama wanted me to do something in particular. I am sorry but I would be gone for about a month. So while I am gone, ask your clan to help you strengthen your byakugan, and we would spar again the next time."
"I-I understand N-Naruto kun. Please be safe on your journey! I will be waiting for you!" She said as I notice her slightly saddened face.
"Do not worry Hinata chan, I will bring home souveneirs. I promise to give you a lot!"
I waved a final time to my student before doing a quick shunshin to the gates. Awaiting me on the gates was nothing. I walked out and began running towards which I know is Suna's direction. It would take a while knowing that my predecessors were stupid thinking about taking many lands making it harder to move out of when on missions or harder to defend since it is huge as fuck.
It had been an hour and the trip was eventfull . Thiefs trying to rob me, only getting tied up to a tree, dead of course. And rogue ninjas whose heads are now on one of my many stasis and storage seal hybrid making the space bigger and so the head will not decay. Their bodies were beautiful as they burned into mere ashes which were picked up by the wind towards my face.
I hate my life
Atleast I have more money to literally last three generations. I have been doing a lot of thinking and made a good plan for the future.
Step 1: Retire from ANBU when 17.
Step 2: Find a girl I could trust, preferably not Anko since I do not want my children to be a sadistic monster twice of what I am.
Step 3: Watch them grow up, probably would let the clones if they want to, to quit their jobs too. And get a life like seriously.
Step 4: Teach them great jutsu and strategizing.
Step 5: Die old or of Natural Causes. I would not like being killed by a ninja that has lower power than me.I looked up again after thinking for I do not know how many minuted to see a head on my other hand, dripping with beautiful crimson and other headless bodies laying there, cause their dead.
'I am amazing.'
"As if, if I did not take over your body you would have been dead."
'Kurama! You finally up furball? I missed you you know?'
"Stop that bullshit I kmow that you missed me more than what you tell, anyways you are at the border you brat"
'Awww did you miss me too? Anyways thank you Kurama, I promise I will fine a way to release you from this stupid curse. I found that even if I die, I am dragging you to hell with me so I would find anyway to release you when I think I am dying.'
"You know that I don't hate being stuck here anyway, it is nice here and you are definitely the nicest jailer I have. I would not mind following you to hell"
'Kurama thats gay, anyways I get what your saying. We will cross that bridge when we meet it but right now we have to cross this stupid broken bridge before feeling sand getting stuck in places it should not.'
Kurama let out a loud laugh as I entered the Sandy Land. Everywhere I look is sand with Cacti as the only natural green coloring.
'I need to reach Suna quickly'"Finaly!"
"Halt! Who goes there?"
"I have official business to deal with the new Kazekage sama, whoever he is."
"I can not tell you that."
"It was a good try anyways, please come inside Kitsune sama."
Suna is a beautiful simple village. Its color, sandy creme is very appealing to the eyes and is very calm looking. I enjoy the smell of the distant sea with its breeze being carried all the way here. We walked towards a giant building which I pressime is the Kage building.
Entering with a knock, I come face to face with a familiar handsome fox wearing ANBU. Oh wait that is my exact clone.
"I could see that you made yourself useful, although you are a clone."
"It would appear so boss." The clone said with a chuckle.
"I see, you must be the original Kitsune. It is a pleasure to meet you."
"It is a pleasure meeting you too, Kazekage sama."
"Please call me Gaara, after all with your plan of minimalising the injury, our side has not lost too much."
"Of course Gaara sama. Anyways I have come woth official order from the Hokage. It seems that you want me to fix your seal completely is it not?"
"It is, Kitsune san. I hope it is not a bother."
"Do not worry Kazekage sama, it does not bother me at all. I actually wanted to come here for an entirely different reason."
"And what may that be, Kitsune san?"
"I would to train on how to use chakra string like your brother did with his puppets."

Neglected Child
FanfictionKushina and Minato are alive and well taking care of their child... well one of them. Naruto has a younger twin named Menma. Kurama was split into two consisting of his soul and his chakra. Menma is the favored child as they train him to be able to...