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Beep... Beep... Beep...

The heartrate monitor chirps away as a female rests on the bed. Bouquets and gifts littered most of the previously vacant tables, cards attached to some with heartfelt words. Sunlight makes its way into the room through a window to the right of the room, shining onto the side of the bed.

Beside the patient is a middle-aged man, more dishevelled than he already is. Eyes sunken in exhaustion as he rests on a chair beside her. It's been two weeks since she was rushed to the hospital. The doctors had to make sure her body could recover from maximum overexertion and blood loss.

He had been worried sick, could barely get a wink of sleep. Onyx eyes glancing over to her figure, a wave of guilt passes through him for the umpteenth time. Tears have been shed, words have been uttered and even now, he still feels the sting from crying prior. He wished he could have seen it coming and stopped her from hurting herself to this extent.

His gaze wanders to her face, eyes bandaged. Her hands, bandaged. Her body, bandaged. And in some parts, small stitches can be seen. Runing his hand over her forehead, he sighs.

"...I'm sorry," he monologues.

"After reading past records of you, I've noticed how unfortunate your life has been."

He glances over to the clock. Half past ten.

"You must have been through so much pain... Even now, you're still hurting."

Grasping her hand gently, he pulls it to his head.

"I can't promise anything, but I hope that when you wake up, I'll be able to fufil my duty as a parent to give you a happy life."

God, what he would give to have her safe and uninjured. He still remembers the live footage broadcasted throughout Japan, her battered and exhausted body collapsing against the ground when All For One was defeated and cheers were heard. He couldn't cheer with the spectators, not when she was on the ground splayed out like a ragdoll. His body moved before his mind could process anything further, running as fast as his legs could to get to her.

When he arrived, she was on a stretcher, several paramedics were on the scene. They instantly knew what he was here for as soon as they saw the look on his face. He sat in the ambulance next to her, feeling like the world was crumbling even though AFO was captured.

He couldn't sleep well, even more so than usual. Nezu allowed him a three week break off teaching to watch over the female, knowing of his worries. Most of the day, he would look at papers then at her, and then some. Never would he have thought that in his life, a predicament like this would occur.

Even though she had been rather troublesome, he still loved--no, loves her as his own daughter. Behind the pranks and lies, there is a girl who is appreciative and loving. Sometimes she would bring him a pack of jelly, other times he would wake up in his chair with a blanket over him. It was those times did her walls come down.

"...I'm so sorry."

Suddenly, the hand he was holding twitches and gently squeezes back. A smile playing on her lips. Subconsciously, he brings his other hand to grasp it. Disbelief makes itself apparent on his face as tears start to fall once more, this time of joy.


A raspy chuckle is emitted from her throat as she tilts her head ever so slightly to the side.

"Y..ou mi..s..s m..e?"

He quickly calls the doctors and nurses in, they rush to the room and perform checkups on her. They check how responsive she is, did she feel any pressure anywhere, a strength test and all of the sort.

Aizawa sits at the side patiently, occasionally having to sit outside for certain parts. A few hours pass and he's finally allowed to go back in. He takes a step and finds her, [H/C] hair messy as it always was, [S/C] slightly more pale and the same smile facing the window. The upper portain bed was elevated so you could sit up.

He notices that the bandage around your eyes are gone, but this time...

He moves to hug you from the side lightly, he mutters, "I'm so sorry."

You shake your head, "It's not your fault, stop saying that."

Your world was made up of nothing more than blurred patches of color mashing into each other now. Dadzawa looks like a huge blob of black, but you were just too tired to care anymore.

"...Let's stop with the sad shit and talk about happy shit okay? I'm awake now, alive. That's all that matters."


The following week, you were wheeled by Dadzawa into the class, to the surprise of your classmates.


A bittersweet smile on your face as looked around at the classroom, blurs of vibrancy and the vague smudge of a broccoli, hedgehog and mushroom.

"Guess who's back?"

They crowded around you with glee and tears. Hell, even Bakugou was sobbing like a bitch. He thought he wouldn't be able to make it up to you and have you see how much he was trying. Midoriya just pretty much couldn't believe you were alive with how severe your injuries were.

"Unfortunately, I won't exactly be doing hero training anymore. I can barely see who all of you are and I've lost quite a bit of feeling in my limbs. Hah, guess I'm going to need to learn braille then... I'll still be in school though, for the most part. Just that occasionally, I'd be moving to 1-C when there are subjects I don't take."

You swore you could hear the cracking of their hearts upon hearing the news, you were one of them, they couldn't bare to not see you alongside them fighting villains. A sad gloom clouded the classroom for a while before Kirishima spoke up.

"If you ever need help, you can count on us!"

The class joined in unison with cheers, and deep inside, a resolve to work their asses off burnt bright. For not only had the Number One Hero fell, but their dear classmate as well. They were going to do everything they could to set things straight. Their cheers stopped however, when they heard a sniffle.

"...Thank you all. For everything."

From that day onward, your bonds with them strengthened. The girls took you on outings (after begging Aizawa to let you go because he's protective af and doesn't want his daughter getting hurt anymore), the boys... are the boys. Even though you couldn't see much anymore, you didn't need perfect vision to see how lucky you were to have met everyone.


Yo! Author here.

Huhu I'm such a terrible procrastinator ^^ I have to write for my KNY fic too (which I haven't updated in 6? 9? Months??) but I've already forgotten my plot for it!! I also stopped BNHA at around season 4 but for some reason started Jujutsu Kaisen and Records of Ragnarok!!

I even have an outline for a Jujutsu Kaisen fic already 💃💃

Honestly this fic is very messy, and I didn't actually write an outline before starting it so it was mostly and I'm not proud of it.

I'll be ending it here, albeit prematurely and I hope that my future works will be more planned.

Thank you for having stuck with me on this long ass journey, it's been a hell of a productivity ride.

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