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Well, ain't that awkward? The murderer for the game bolted out of there to hunt down the rest of the innocents, a 1 v 1 is more of her style. According to her memory, she had to get bush head Mido, defective Pikachu, and Kirishima.

It's go time. Midoriya got 360 knife scoped by yours truly™. He was perched on a crate for some reason and she had come in running when he was searching around. He looked pretty disappointed that he got knifed, though.

The other two were an easy find, Kaminari was freaking out about Kirishima since she had disguised herself as him and was nearby. She managed to get Kaminari with ease since he shot out too many lightning bolts and his brain went to yeet itself into orbit. Kirishima was a tough one though, he was really fast. Too bad his quirk couldn't really help.

The distant booms and bursts were heard and she was well aware of who was approaching, no siree thank you, goodbye. For additional confirmation, screeching was also heard. It was pretty funny since he thought it was 'shitty hair'.

Bakugou blasted through the hallways and rooms, searching for the supposed murderer. For each room he went past, she juked into. Of course, she couldn't run forever.

She accidentally went out of the room too early and was spotted, dear lord have mercy on us. With the same rage as ever, the ash-blonde shouted.

"Got you, shitty hair!"

A gel ball flew out, hitting her point blank.

Or so he thought.

The image of the redhead faded away the second it was touched. Oh, now he's well alert. He whipped his head around, barely dodging the rubber knife flying his way. Stepping back, he saw who he didn't want to see and his face contorted with a guilty yet conflicted expression.

She, however, stood stone-faced. Rubber knife back in hand, eye covered, stance stable. There was no way in hell that she'd let him win this one, that's for sure. But first, she has some things to settle with him.

"Y'know, normally I'd end this quickly--" she monologued as she paced around his figure. "--but considering that you've been hiding your true colors, I think it's about time I show you some of mine."

In a quick flash, multiples of her were whizzing around, some launching off to get a swipe in. He dodged each knife, dancing around to figure out her exact location. Sure, she could manipulate what he sees fine but whatever he feels [physically and mentally], hears, smells or tastes are out of her control.

He was about to use his quirk but he remembered that he couldn't use it to inflict any damage on anyone. A plan was what he needed, and fast. There's only so much dodging he can do before he slips. The fact that he never saw her use her quirk and practically had no information on her fighting style, so predicting her moves are out of the question.

Calculations and options bounced about in his head as he tried to not get hit.


She stopped all her illusions and decided to show somebody familiar.


Back in the observation [hah, Observation] room, her classmates watched with slight confusion. Their new friend[?] was just standing there, blank expression and all as Bakugou was dodging thin air? Um, hello?

Yeah, All Might basically couldn't see shit either, he could hear though.

But what he found interesting was the reaction that Bakugou had when he saw her, what kind of connection do the two have? He'd never had thought that they would have met each other before.


Standing right there was the person the explosive male did not like in the least, smiling and in his uniform. His grip on his blaster tightened as she started to speak.

"I see that you still don't like him, why is that? No, you can't say he doesn't have a quirk. You've most probably seen him use it---" she dodged a tiny sphere and continued on.

"Even when he didn't have a quirk, what makes that a reason to dislike him, huh? What? He's weak? Well, you're no better yourself if you have to bully him to feel powerful, or is your horse so damn high up there that you can't see anything? Quirkless or not, we're all human--

but quite frankly, you're a beast."

Multiple gel balls were aimed in the direction of her voice, each missing their target and proceeding to make contact with the wall behind. Oh, this taunting was definitely getting on his nerves big time. He was mad alright.

"Yeah?! Well, what's it to you? Why does he matter that much when I'm your friend--"

The next few words were spoken with a broken voice that he wouldn't have expected from her.

"You broke my trust."

A slight wind blew past the two as they stood opposite each other. The ruby-eyed student felt even more guilty now, while the [H/C]-ette just glared at him. He done messed up now. Guilt washed over him like a tsunami while he went over where he went wrong.

The sudden grip on his shoulder from behind and a fake knife at his throat jerked him back to the situation at hand though.

"Hah, got em," and back to her everyday facade it was.

"The murderer has emerged victorious and with that, our training session is over! Change your attire and return to the classroom for your next lesson!"

Bakugou just stood there as she walked off, was she being genuine? That didn't seem like the [Y/N] he knew at all. There was no way that she would say things like that nor do anything like that.

Or did he truly know her at all?


"Woah! [L/N]~chan you were so cool! You beat Bakugou!" Ashido cheered as she walked over to the winner.

"Although we couldn't really see what happened, ribbit."

"Yeah, we really didn't see much other than him fighting thin air," chimed in Hagakure.

She just smuged their way with a shrug of her own.

"What can I say [besides you're welcome]? I'm a natural."

They kept going on, talking about how skillful she was at this. They practically talked her ear off from the number of words coming out of their mouths.

By the time they stopped, more people came over and started asking her questions and whatnot, to which she responded with more lies.

Class rolled by fast enough and soon, she was getting picked up by Dadzawa. They went back home and she cooked some dinner for him. Proceeded to play some Brawl Stars and yeeted herself into bed after a nice shower.

She didn't dry her hair at all, just saying that ain't nobody got time for that crap.


Thank you for your support!! ily guys sm

also you know those people who just don't know when to stop, yeah those people, major angery

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