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"Hey, [N/N]. Would you always be friends with me?" A young boy asked

"That's a stupid question."


"H-HEY! STOP CRYING! I'll always be friends with you, until the very end. Stop with the water works already, tears don't suit you."




It's been a week since Bakugou got normal-contact-name-zoned. The [H/C]nette had also been "bonding" with Aizawa and Midoriya. By bonding, I mean exaggerating every single thing that happens and messing up their life a bit.

This morning, she had switched the coffee with cocoa, the spoons with forks, the shampoo with conditioner and more. Let's say that Aizawa was not very happy with his slightly salty cocoa and very conditioned hair--


"Whoopsie, my bad!"

In the afternoon, Aizawa had her do some training. Yes, training. She WAS going to get enrolled U.A. after all. Ah yes, nothing like 20 laps around the whole neighborhood, 50 pushups and situps, 25 burpees and some weightlifting to end it. Tch, bet he doesn't even do this shit. Yeah, of course, she didn't even do half of what he told her to do, only because he wasn't watching her today. Thank heavens, her muscles were more sore that Bakugou losing.

Seriously, whomst the hell?

Anyways, she thought a little hangout session with Best Boy™ would be nice. So she decided to give him a text.

Best Boy™


Location sent

[L/N]~San what do you need help for?



Panicking at your lack of response, he dashed out of his house to your location as fast as he could, speeding past civilians with a look of worry plastered onto his face. Why hadn't you replied? He tried to call you but nobody picked up. If anything, that just tripled his worry??? Honestly? wHAT IN THE NAME OF ALL MIGHT IS GOING ON? ARE YOU OKAY? DID YOU PASS OUT? DID YOU GET HURT? DID YOU D--

There, at the location, standing in front of him with a smile and leaning against the wall of a cafe is the very girl that texted him...

Then, it hits him. You just got him good.

"Hey, hey! Midoriya~Kun. Good to see you here!"

"[L-L/N]~San, seriously, what's with the text?! I thought you were in some kind of trouble!" he exclaimed as he shook you by the shoulders back and forth.

"Woah there, buddy. Getting touchy already eh?" she smirked.

Upon hearing her, he quickly jumped back, flustered and embarrassed. Face beginning to heat up as he spluttered out a long string of incomprehensible apologies and saying how he didn't mean to do that. He was quickly knocked back into reality when he saw her trying not to laugh.

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