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She woke up with a start, taking in as much air as fast as she possibly could. She coughed and hacked as she reached for the bottle of water located beside her. Drinking the contents, she sat up.


Great, it was going to be one of those days again. Her appearance? Chaotic. Her movements? Catastrophic. Her emotions? Completely bonkers. Why oh why must life be like this, she just wanted to stop thinking too much already but the past few events had suddenly smacked her in the face so hard she had to have a reality check with herself.

She remembered that she would have to become a hero. A trashy hero. Absolutely NOT! She grew up in the last two years with the mindset of doing justice in her own law. She couldn't just suddenly fucking get pushed into some dinky hero course and be expected to comply. Hell no, she's not gonna take even a nano metre of that shit seriously.

Then there's Bakugou as well. How the hell was she supposed to know that he was a grade A piece of shit? Seeing him torment Midoriya had her completely loose her grip on reality. She swore if she couldn't restrain herself at all, she probably would have sent him to the ER.

Then moving on to her shitty facade and spiralling madness of emotions which have been trying to get her to flip out of control lately. She can't just stop herself from lying all day, it was one of the only ways she could save some part of him and make sure nobody got too close to her. She can't just stop her pathological habit. It's better that way anyway, making sure that they don't get dragged down her cluster fuck of thoughts and problems.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

More bullshit to deal with today since she just can't seem to help her sorry self. She ran her hand through her tangled locks and smoothened out the piece of hair that would forever cover her left/right eye.

Feeling a slight headache coming, she stood up and walked down the stairs, moving into the kitchen. She saw Aizawa about to leave the house. He turned around and warned her not to cause trouble before exiting the door.

Walking to the fridge, she felt around for contents. Only to be met with well, nothing. Cursing under her breath, she slammed it shut, going back up to change into appropriate attire to buy herself some food and get groceries done.

She stared at her reflection in the mirror, feeling her thoughts judge her. She looked at the hair covering one of her eyes, a memory from her childhood drifting into her mind.


The young girl was getting teased by her classmates again. With her eye being all fogged up like that, and her vision not being the best from her mistake, they thought that along with her best friend, they could pick on her too.

Things like saying how her orb looked messed up and made her look ugly, saying how she probably got it in a fight with some strong quirk users and got herself a kicking, it all drove her mad. That wasn't it at all. She just went too far though she knew she could have stopped herself. 

The words of mockery kept ricochetting off the walls of her mind, never once disappearing. Every second of the day she could hear them laughing and spouting negative phrases. Everywhere she turned in her school there would be faces of twisted amusement and glares of disgust puncturing through her back.

One day she got so fed up she decided to just cover it completely. She couldn't see it, the others who didn't know of her also couldn't see it. Win-win. She could also just use her quirk so they never notice her, blending into the background with insignificance. 

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