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Fighting everyday to keep the civilians safe--making his ringtone his own voice just because he can--flying in the air with a young boy clinging onto his leg for dead life--it's the one and only: All Might!

On a serious note, they were flying at a dangerous height and if the young male were to let go he would turn into a human flattened tomato. At least we could make Bolognese sauce for the cannibals.

While they were up there doing whatever they were doing, our protagonist was searching for the exact same two soft drink bottles that she assumed flew out of All Mights pockets as he took off. Midoriya would be fine was what she thought. She had seen two blobs fall from the sky and was indeed concerned.

Scouting the area she roughly pinpointed it to be in, she walked through crowds and streets, looking down at the ground and blending into the crowd with her somewhat natural hair colour. She also bought a can of pepper spray.

"W h e r e i s i t ? This is //America--// Japan, I'm sure that two bottles of sewage would be obvious to spot...unless it's where it's not easy to spot--o h ."

'Haha, you stupid.'


[Y/N] was well acquainted with the alleyways and could navigate through them easily. Not an ideal trait but who cares? Not her, that's for sure.

Now, if she were two bottles of trash and got dropped out of the sky, which alleyway would she be in...would she even be alive? Deadass that height was probably high enough to drop a piano and have it crash into smithereens.

She traversed along the still relatively clean rows, excluding the presence of some cigarettes and of the sort. Each turn sending her deeper into the maze of passages.

Sure, at times she found them calming but most of the time it just felt like the walls were going to close in on her. Maybe one day that will happen with a villain that can control walls.

Back to the topic, she thought she heard some cackles of delinquents...? One voice sounds real familiar and she doesn't know why. Hold on...

No way.

She looked in the direction where light was coming from. There stood a group of students from Midoriya's school, judging by their uniform. One ash-blonde spike head that she knew anywhere kicked a soda bottle, the very soda bottle she was looking for.

They continued to talk, oblivious to the danger about to approach them. The containers rattled dangerously, spilling its contents onto the pavement below their feet.

All except one of the young students stopped talking abruptly, eyes wide, mouths ajar, staring at something behind their leader. Bakugou slowly turned around and was met face to face with living sewage.

Next thing they knew, they were in the middle of town. Of course, [Y/N] was there too but strangely enough, she wasn't doing anything.

Maybe she was scared? No, that ain't it. This situation was one big Déjà vu. Something is holding her back. Tch, stupid memories are messing with her head again.

To her right, she could make out the freckles on her friend's face. She waddled through the crowd and grabbed his shoulder, startling his deep in thought self.


"Yeah, hi. You can tell me where you were later, but what should we do in this case?"

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