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"The fuck? The fuckk???"

Ah yes, colourful vocabulary. You stared at the text message in a frenzy, not believing it. No fucking way, there's no way-- oh wait of course! Of course. It was so obvious that they would do that, shit! You couldn't do anything because you're on pRobAtiOn and your every move is tracked, fuck.

The message was from Kirishima, something about Bakugou being kidnapped was hastily typed on there and you were swearing the however many greek gods up there that you would take Zeus' lightning bolt and zap the FUCK out of them and take down Olympus. Get out of there with that shit, life was ass already!

It was nighttime, absolutely no way you could get out of the house until tomorrow at school and even then! You had the stupid tracker on your person! Shit, this is bad and you HAD to get over there as soon as possible!

Hastily, you texted back to Kirishima, telling him to not do anything stupid. You couldn't type anything that pointed to your want to escape and it was infuriating. Slamming the phone on the table, you sighed and quickly went to bed.

Morning rolled around and you were woke as fuck, shoving cereal down your throat and grumbling as an officer took you to school. School ended at around 3 or some shit and you needed to find a way to get the stupid beep boop Google wants to know your location shit off of you. 

Class 1-C welcomed her back with whoops and cheers as you flamboyantly stridded into class like the badass you were while looking like you were about to fuck shit up on that day. You had to think of a plan and FAST. Equations floated about your head and various plans to get out of the school.

Then it hit you. 

The bell sounded and you were already heading to somebody you KNEW would help you. The faces of students you recall from the sports festival pass by as you approach your goal: the workshop department.

Tools hung on the walls as grease tainted them, sparks flying off and the smell of burnt...steak? was apparent in the room. The salmon head sicko you saw during the event turned her head toward you the second you set foot into the space. She smiled and rushed over to you, practically vibrating on the spot in hyperactivity. You look her dead in the eye.

"I'm gonna need you to break the law real quick."


And now you're in a cab, heading the fuck over to wherever the hell Kirishima said the hospital was and hoping you would get there in time. The driver's just kinda like: bruh why the hecc we going to this place but ok. You're just lost in your thoughts (all aloneee), a million imaginations fizzing in and dissolving all in one second.

Bakugou was captured.

By villains.

What the fuck are these teachers doing?

Naw fuck you, the students are doing a better job that the teachers and that's facts, bro.

//As you can tell I have smooth brain and my brain can't think//

So the guy in front just cleared his throat awkwardly because your disheveled hair and eye bags underneath your eyes paired with your dark clothing //haha scene kid// definitely didn't make you seem sus at all. You paid him and went on your way to the window closest to Midoriya's room and flung yourself through it, startling the group there. They seemed apprehensive and all stared at you before calming down a bit.

Glaring at them, you shifted your gaze to Kiri. 

"Where is he?"

"We don't know..."

T R I C K S T E R [BNHA x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now