Maki Nishikino x Reader (Love Live)

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I never watched Love Live because it isn't the type of show I'm interested in, but this was requested. That being said, apologies if Maki is out of character. I made up the plot in a few seconds and wrote it down quickly.

Requested by: blake10205

Last thing you expected as you walked out the school gates was for Maki, a girl you have never met before but seen with a group of girls walking around a lot, to suddenly appear and yell with clenched fists,

'I-I like you! Let's go on a date!'

All you could do was stare before a chuckle came out of you. When you saw her determined eyes turn to upset eyes, probably assuming you are laughing at her and rejecting her, you were quick to assure her,

'Sorry, I didn't mean for that chuckle, I just thought that was so cute of you.' You couldn't hide your smile as her face turned red as she stuttered out,

'D-Don't play with someone's feelings like this for your amusement.'

'I didn't mean to, promised.' You held up your hands as if showing her you are no danger before finally answering her question instead, 'A date? I don't know what you see in me, but I would be glad to go on a date with you.'

She stared with a look of amaze in her face before she quickly pulled out her phone and held it to you.

'Then put your number in so I can send you the address. T-to our date, I mean.'

'I know what you meant.' You couldn't help but answer with amusement as you took her phone and pulled yours out, putting your number into her phone.

A day later you received a text with an address. At first you were confused at this unknown number but then chuckled when another text came that said,

"It's Maki Nishikino! The address is to our date, don't be late! It's not polite to make a lady wait!"

So you were quick to get up and get ready for the date, putting on the best clothes you had in your closet. As you left, you snatched your jacket and gave your phone a quick check to make sure Maki didn't suddenly decline the date or change the location.

As you arrived to the address, noticed it was a small cafe. it looked like a comfortable shop, not too busy. When you looked through the window, noticed Maki was already inside, wearing pretty casual clothes, nervously fiddling with her fingers.

You approached the table, greeting her by saying,

'Hello, Maki, you look very pretty today.'

'M-Maki?' Her head shot up in shock before she asked, 'Pretty?'

'Ow sorry, I assumed we were gonna use first names. If you aren't comfortable, I will call you Noshi-'

'No! Maki is good!' She was quick to say, standing up so quickly she hit the table and almost made her drink on it spill so she was quick to snatch it before nervously saying, 'I already ordered. I wanted to order for you but, euhm... I don't know what you like.'

'Anything you would have ordered would have been good.' You gave her a smile as you took a seat over her as her face turned red and she mumbled something you could only assume was about not saying such embarrassing things.

After you ordered something, there was silence. Maki was playing with her fingers, looking nervous, her eyes darting around, as if trying to find something to talk about. So you decided to ask her a question that randomly came to your mind.

'What's your favorite food?'

'I like tomatoes.' She answered but said nothing more and nothing else came to your mind so awkward silence fell.

She awkwardly sipped her drink, mentally freaking out, panicking that she's ruining the date and has to come up with something.

'Why do you like me?'

She froze and slowly looked up at you as you stared at her, wondering why she even likes you since you both never really spoke before.

'Euhm...' She stared before looking at her drink, clenching it with her hands. 'To be honest, I-I don't know. You are good-looking, you are kind and seem down-to-earth.' She shrugged.

'So you just assumed how I am and asked me on a date? I'm your crush?' Her face went red at your last question before she nod. 'What if I turn out to be completely different than you think?'

'I don't know, i-it was a spur of the moment! I didn't think you would actually accept my offer!' She said a bit too loudly because the couple at the table aside you both looked at her causing her to blush and sink a little in her seat, whispering a sorry.

All you could do was glance to your drink, having never been in this situation before so you weren't certain what to do. The date isn't really going that well, you don't really know this girl but she looks kind and clearly doesn't have any bad intentions. So you just sighed and asked her,

'Maybe we should first be friends?'

'Huh?' She looked at you, seeming a bit hurt by this but then frowned and nod. 'It was silly of me to think my crush would automatically like me even though we never met before...'

'Hey, you never know, I might start to like you in the way you like me.' You gave her a smile, feeling bad for her before you got up and said, 'I will pay for the drinks, you did so much work to get courage to ask me out and come up with a date location after all.'

'Ah, thank you!' She was quick to stand up and bow.

As you both exit the cafe, you wanted to speak when suddenly a ton of rain fell down causing you both to flinch and look up.

'I-I didn't read anything about this!' Maki stuttered out, crossing her arms with a frustrated and upset frown. 'Today is awful.'

You gave her a glance before pulling your jacket off and held it to her,

'Your shirt looks thin, you will get cold.'

'Ow no, then you will get cold.' She shook her head.

'I'm fine with that. My house is close anyway.'

As you held it to her, she stared before snatching it, shrugging it on before she suddenly turned and ran away making you wonder if she got embarrassed and ran and is never coming back or suddenly thought of something, or if she simply stole your jacket and will never return it. As you were left standing there, wondering what just happened, she returned a few minutes later, panting before she held something out to you. As you took it from her, you realized it's an umbrella.

'Haha, did you go buy an umbrella for me?'

'I-I would feel bad if I send you home after having taken your jacket.'

'Do you live far away?'


'Then I shall walk you home.' You opened the umbrella, taking a step closer to her, making sure she's under the umbrella before adding with a smile, 'If you are okay with that, of course?'

'Of course...' She whispered, shyly looking down as you both walked to the direction she told you to go.

So when school began again, you invited her to have lunch with you so you two can learn more about each other and develop a friendship. You promised her you will go a second date with her some time soon again, and it made her blush and stutter to keep your promise.

I kind of felt like writing it this way. I don't know why, I just did. If you want a part two, I can make a second part where they are closer with each other and have a second date.

I hope this was good since I never watched the show before and I'm not that great at one-shots.

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