Eddie Gluskin x Female! Kidnapped! Reader (Part 2)

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Like I always say, I'm probably the worst one-shot writer so don't expect anything good, I just made this for fun so please no hate. Tips on how to write one-shots better are always welcome~

You can totally not read this and stop at Part 1 if you liked that ending.

I told you all there is a reason why the reader is female, here is the reason;

It has been two months. Or at least that's what Y/n thinks, it's hard to keep track of time when she can't exit this "apartment" or with no calendar. The only time she could keep track of is the clock on the wall, but staring as the time went by was not a good way to make time pass fast, so Y/n convinced Eddie to get her some paper and pencil by saying,

'Eddie, I'm quite bored. A wife shouldn't be bored.'

With that simple sentence, Eddie was quick to smile and say she's corrected before hurrying away to go get her some books, papers and pencil. The pencil didn't have a pointy end, it was blunt. So Y/n thought to maybe stab him with it was quick to be dismissed. He might be a crazy person, but he was smart.

He only gave her plastic tableware, she couldn't go near the kitchen, which had knives, due the shackle cuff around her foot with a chain connected to a pole aside her bed. The only place she could go was to the table in the center of the room and the bathroom on the left side of the bed.

Y/n was staring at her book. She kept reading the same sentence over and over. Even when she went to the next sentence, she forgot what she had just read. She couldn't focus at all.

'Darling, I'm home~!'

Y/n's eyes quickly snapped up, watching the door open to show Eddie, holding a box. He turned, putting a lock on the door before he walked to her. Even though it has been two months, she was still scared to see him enter every time. She never knew what he was feeling since he kept putting up this fake, kind, polite manner. For all she knows, one day he might enter with an axe and chop her head off. Eddie flashed her a smile as he took her jaw, pulling her head up to give her lips a quick kiss.

'Here.' He grinned, crouching down.
Y/n quickly moved her book as Eddie laid down the box on her lap. She just stared at it before asking,

'What is it?'

'It's a gift, silly, you're supposed to open it and see for yourself.' He smiled as he got up, sitting aside her, putting his head on her shoulder.

Y/n just stared at the box before slowly opening it. She reached in, pulling out the small piece of clothing.

'This is... a dress for a baby.'

Y/n stared in fear at the small dress with different flower patterns. Clearly Eddie stitched it together.

'Yes.' Eddie excitedly nod.


'You're so innocent, my dear Y/n.' Eddie chuckled, softly taking the dress from her fingers, putting the dress on the nightstand, just slapping the empty box off her lap. 'I am saying I want a child with you.'

'I don't want a child with you!' Y/n quickly said, trying to leave but he snatched her arm and slammed her on the bed, forcing her down.

'No need to be afraid, my darling, it will only hurt at first but then it will feel amazing.'

Y/n watched in fear as his hand began tugging at her waist band so she did the thing first that came in her mind. Her fist hit his cheek, but it only made his face go to the side. Eddie was frozen, just staring at the wall before his eyes looked at hers. His eyes were widen in rage so Y/n knew what she did was wrong.

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