Miles Upshur x Male! Insane! Reader (Outlast) (Part One)

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It's been a month since I played Outlast so I apologize if anyone is out of character.

I never wrote for an "insane" person before so I'm sorry if he's cringy or just not good writen. I don't know if Killer was the right word to describe the reader but let's just go with it for now...

Y/n was skipping through the halls, his dress rising up and down with each tiny jump he did. He was searching someone to have sex with and then murder afterwards for fun. But he stopped in his skips when he heard a pained scream from the floor beneath him. It was the most beautiful noise he ever heard so he immediately turned and ran to the staircase.

It was Trager's floor so Y/n was curious to see who his friend captured that had such a beautiful sound. He stopped in front of a door before pushing it open. Inside he saw Trager wiping his bloody bone shears on some old towel. Trager glanced when he heard the door open then asked,

'Did you get yourself injured again?' He asked, a bit annoyed he got interrupted in his fun.

Y/n just shook his head, too focused on the handsome man strapped in the wheelchair to say anything back.

'Then what do you want? And why are you wearing a dress?' Trager cringed, his shears tip pulling the dress up a bit.

'Eddie made it for me!' Y/n excitedly informed, spinning. 'Like it?'

'Sure.' Trager shrugged. The two shut up when an ugly scream of pain came from somewhere. Guess a patient woke up... 'Watch him for me.' Trager pointed the shears at the handsome man then walked away, yelling at the patient that he's coming.

Y/n was quick to turn to the man in the chair. The man had messy hair, tears rolling down his cheeks, his wrists were moving like crazy, trying to get out of the straps. Y/n just grinned then got on his lap before sniffing his neck. He even smelled nice. It's been years since Y/n smelled such a beautiful smell, the only smell he can smell here is blood and shit.

'Who are you?'

'M-Miles!' He choked out, trying to breathe in a normal pace and ignore the incredible pains in his fingers.

'Miles...' Y/n repeated, testing the name then he smiled. 'I will enjoy moaning that name tonight.'

'Huh?!' Miles quickly asked, confused to who is sitting on his lap and what he's planning to do. But he rather go with this boy then get all his other fingers cut off so he quickly said, 'Help me! Please!'

'Huh? You don't like it with Trager?' Y/n frowned in confusion.

'Of course not!' Miles yelled. 'Get these things off!' Miles wildly shook his wrists, trying to slip out of the straps.

'Do you like me?!' Y/n gasped, eyes widening in hope.

'... sure.' Miles slowly nod.

'Oooh! I love you! Give me a kiss and I will help~!' Y/n grinned.

Miles just stared at him with a "what the fuck" look before he remembered Trager is still walking around so he should hurry. He just did his head forward, his lips slamming against Y/n's lips. Y/n frowned at the hard smack against his lips but then he chuckled and kissed him. As his hands were on Miles' neck and in his hair, Miles suddenly bit on Y/n's lower lip making Y/n curse and lean away, glaring.

'You bit my lip, asshole!'

'Get these off now.' Miles demanded, glaring at the boy.

'Fine...' Y/n pout, unhappy the beautiful moment got ruined.

He got off Miles' lap then took a butcher's knife off the floor before putting it between the straps and Miles wrist then he began cutting the strap off. He did the same for the other wrist. The second Miles was free, he did the first thing in his mind, which was push Y/n and run faster than he ever has in his entire life. 

'You fucking BITCH!' Y/n screamed, scrambling off the floor before storming out the room, eyeing the right and left sides of the hallway, choosing where the idiot could have run to. 'I WILL FIND YOU SO COME OUT AND STOP WASTING BOTH OUR TIMES!' He screamed, storming through the hall, slamming every door open he could, eyeing inside then leaving when he saw it was empty inside. 'HIDE AND SEEK, HUH?!' He laughed out loud when he slapped a door open and saw Miles struggling to get over a desk. 'It was always my favorite game when I was a child.' Y/n smirked before running, trying to catch him but Miles was over the desk, already running to the vent.

Y/n watched as his body vanished in the vent. He screamed words as he slammed his fists on the desk. When he was finished, he panted before he looked up at the vent. He was always the best seeker when he and his childhood friends played it. He smirked then turned, exiting the room, determined to find him.

'Let the game begin.'

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