Harald x Dying! Female! Reader (Vikings)

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Like I always say, I'm the worst one-shot writer so don't expect anything good, I just made this for fun so please no hate. Harald is one of my favorite characters so I thought I should probably write something for him, and for some reason... this sad shit is what my mind came up with.

This is probably the best one shot I ever written...

Screams and blood was the only thing Y/n heard and saw as she laid on the floor. Y/n was using all her strenght to keep her eyelids open and to try to reach for her axe to continue the battle, but her body wasn't moving besides little twitches and jerks.

'Y/n!' She heard a voice from far away, yet the figure fell in front of her on their knees.

A hand slid under her head, pushing her head up to look at the person.

'H... Harald.' She weakly spoke her lover's name, her hand sliding over the dirt to take Harald's hand on her cheek.

'Y-You are okay.' Was all Harald said, tears forming in his eyes, his free hand nervously hovering over her stab wound in her stomach. 'W... we can fix that, just hold on.'

Y/n couldn't help but chuckle, only to cough and cringe in pain.

'Harald, don't lie to yourself like that...' She rested her cheek on his hand, loving the warm touch of his sweaty palm against her cold cheek. 'You idiot, enemies are surrounding us, go fight.' She slowly moved her head to kiss his palm. 'Not as if I can go anywhere.'

'Who cares about that?!' Harald yelled, tears rolling down his cheeks now as he pulled her into a sitting up position causing her to groan in pain.

He put her side against his chest, holding her in his arms, his forehead against hers, trying to think of a way to help his love get out of here and get the giant stab wound healed. His thoughts were broken when he heard a loud clash of swords behind him so he quickly looked to see Halfdan behind him, protecting him.

'Hurry up, brother!' Halfdan yelled, dodging a swing of a sword. 'Say your farewells so we can leave! Don't be stupid, she will want you to live on!'

All Y/n could do was smile, listening to Harald's heartbeat, wishing she could have had a longer life with Harald but sadly... that was a fantasy.

'Y/n...' Harald whispered, his thumb stroking her cheekbone. 'I was gonna ask you to marry me when we won this battle. I was gonna ask you to marry me and have my children, ask you to live a life with me where we would rule Norway together, cuddle every day, play with our children.'

Harald ranted, the words spilling out, unsure what he was saying himself, wanting to get everything out before she passes away.

'I want to marry you because, oh fuck, do I love you. So please... stay.'

'Harald, I also love you.' Y/n smiled, using all her strenght to push herself up a bit and press her lips against his. It wasn't the best kiss they ever shared, but neither of them cared. 'I will wait in Valhalla for you, I shall feast with my fallen friends. Even if it takes 60 years, I will wait for you because I only love you.'

Harald watched with nervous as her shaky hand raised to touch his cheek, to wipe away his tears, but suddenly her hand fell, her head fell back.

'Y-Y/n?' Harald whispered, begging to himself it's not what he thinks it is, but when he shook her body, nothing happened. 'Y/n...'

Harald stared at her pale, cold, motionless body before slowly leaning down, giving her lips a kiss.

'I will give you the most beautiful funeral this world has ever seen. I will see you in Valhalla soon, my love.'

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