Child! Gary x Toddler! Reader (Pokemon)

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I write these for fun so please no hate! I just got bored and got this silly idea so please enjoy~ You can always request stuff. I will accept anything from Pokemon, except Serena, I just hate her too much.

You were aside Gary, holding the fence with your left hand to keep yourself up as your right held your Pokemon plushie. You were sucking the ear of the plushie. Gary cringed before he pushed your head so you stare up at him in confusion.

'Don't suck on its ear!' Gary scolded then he climbed on the fence, putting his chin on the top bar, staring at the Pokemon.

Both were visiting his grandfather's lab. Professor Oak left to go get you two some drinks. He left a Stoutland behind to keep an eye on you two. Gary has been your friend since birth, which means for a year and a half now. He is always trying to get you to learn words but you just refuse to speak. You glance at the Stoutland before making happy noises while waddling to it. When near, just let yourself fall against its fur. As you were pulling on his fur, making happy noises, Gary got off the fence, walking over to the two.

'Y/n!' You quickly look up at the sound of your name. 'Can you say Stoutland?' Just stare before continuing pulling Stoutland's fur. 'Guess not...' He looked around the place, searching for a Pokemon with an easy name. He grinned when he spot a Pokemon with an easy name. 'Can you say Seel?'

You just stare before looking behind him. Behind him was a Seel in the water, happy swimming around, playing with a Horsea.

'Seep! Seep!' You laugh, lifting your Pokemon plushie.

'No! Seel!' Gary said in annoyance.

'Seep!' You giggle out.

'SeeL!' Gary shouted.

The sudden shout made your giggling come to a stop before you began crying. He flinched then dropped on his knees, patting your head but you just pushed his hand off and hug Stoutland.

'Don't hate me, Y/n.' He frowned, getting upset as well. 'I didn't mean to yell. I just wanted you to finally speak.'

You just sniff before doing face out of Stoutland's fur. Pouting at him. He had a tear running down so quickly hurry to him. You just went between his legs then wipe his cheek with your palm, your plushie hitting his face so he groaned then pushed your plushie out his face. He sniffed then said,

'You and Ash are my only friends. Please don't hate me.'

You just take his cheeks with your palms making his lips pout out. You just place your lips against his making Gary's eyes widen. You pull away with a grin, doing arms open and yell.

'Luve Gary!'

'Y-you love me?' Gary asked, his face burning up.

You just nod with a big smile. He stared before he smiled. He picked you up so you giggle while kicking legs in an excited manner. He almost fell but luckily Stoutland pushing against his side so he got his balance again. Gary and you happily played with the Pokemon, all having fun.

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