You lose your memory (Phyllis, Dr Xu from My Time At Portia)

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She loves being a nurse; helping people, getting to know them, seeing them getting better, making them happy. And because of the residents of Portia never having anything serious she sadly forgot serious things will happen at some point, so when you came in unconcious and then woke up only to just look around, trying to figure out where you are, she felt everything freeze. She didn't know what to do, it was as if she didn't have any medical knowledge nor trained for these situations.

She slowly called your name causing you to look, but not because of the name, just because you hadn't realized there was someone else in the room. She never felt her legs trembling this hard, she even had to whisper excuse me as she took a seat on the medical bed edge. She always feared this, feared that you would get yourself so badly injured on one of your adventures or jobs, always told you to be careful when you rode past on your horse, ready to go do something dangerous.

She knew it was very unprofessional but she couldn't help it; she covered her face with her hands as tears threatened to rain down, whispering how she always warned you. When you whispered sorry in a confused, questioning tone her chest actually hurt as it was just a reminder that you don't know who she is, what you did wrong, what had happened to you, you remember none of it and it hurt. She sniffed, looking up and rapidly blinking before getting back up, apologizing for that and explaining you two were very close so this is a lot. She admitted she isn't suited to do this because of that so she will get Dr. Xu to help you.

She left in a hurry to get Dr. Xu and admittedly also just get out of there and get some fresh air. As she hurried down the steps and to the fields where Dr. Xu would normally be at this time she almost fell through her trembling legs on the steps a few times, having such a strong urge to take hold of a wall and just slid down it and cry, but she kept herself up and walked with firm steps, trying to step professional, trying her best to not think of herself now and focus on getting Dr. Xu to you so you can hopefully get better as soon as possible.

Dr. Xu:

He was taking the old roses you gave him out his vase on his desk and replacing them with fresh roses you gave him just this morning, unable to hide the dorky smile on his face as they were just some roses you give him every week yet it stays such a touching, beautiful gesture. When the doors suddenly burst open and the Civil Corps burst through, all three shouting about stuff while rushing to the medical bed. Dr. Xu was not one to raise his voice but if it means calming a situation and getting the important needed information he needs he will; so he raised his voice and told them to calm down now and calmly explain what happened. When Arlo said you passed out and badly hit your head Dr. Xu finally realized who laid on that bed.

He was quick to rush to it, pulling out some gloves then gently moving your hair out the way to inspect the wound. He felt sick. Not because of the wound, he can handle some wounds otherwise he wouldn't have picked this job, but because of how bad it looked. It was hard to tell how deep or big it was as it was covered with mud and other dirty things but he could tell it wasn't a good wound. He thanked the Civil Corps then asked them to leave so he can work in peace.

He cleaned your wound, took proper care of it, stitched it close, and then kept a close eye on you until you finally woke up. He was working on some papers when he saw your head wobbling a little causing him to jump up and call your name with excitement. He rushed to your side and gently placed his hand on your shoulder, realizing he might have shouted your name too loudly so he softly told you you are at the clinic so don't worry. As he was explaining about your wound and how it's closing just fine you suddenly revealed you don't know who he is, or who you even are, or where you are, and you are starting to freak out. He kind of just stared at you before whispering he's Dr. Xu, the fool. When you let out a confused "what?", he sighed and rubbed his face. He knew this would happen, he felt it, but he kept ignoring all signs, acting as if it wouldn't, and he's a fool for doing so. No, an idiot. A doctor shouldn't do this, this only makes everything more difficult.

When you called out that you are really gonna start freaking out he was quick to assure you it's okay then began explaining everything important and your personal information to you. As he spend some time with you he assured you multiple times he's here for you and he will help you through this and remember everything again but this will admittedly be a long, hard, and very stressfull time.

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