Sirius Black x Male! Adorable! Reader (Part 1)

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I just made this idea up in the shower so I'm sorry if it's stupid.

This is written for fun. So please no hate!

Normally I write using "you", but I wanted to try the "Y/n" form. Anyone who read the other chapters, can you please tell me if I'm better at writing with the you form or the Y/n form?

I wanted to make the reader a female, but I thought an adorable boy would be cute to ship with a bad boy like Sirius.

I won't choose how the reader looks or his age, those things are all up to you, the only two things I'm choosing it to make him adorable and a boy.

Y/n sat in his favorite class, reading what was written on the blackboard, ignoring the snickers of Sirius Black and James Potter across the classroom.

'Black! Potter!' The teacher yelled, annoyed by having to tell those two to quiet down every five seconds. 'Black, sit aside Y/n.'

Immediately Y/n's eyes shot to the teacher then to the bad boy, Sirius Black. He wasn't even wearing the school uniform, just a shirt with a rock band with a leather jacket over it. Jeans with rips, but Y/n has a feeling he bought jeans and accidently ripped them and is now just wearing it instead of buying new jeans.

'Who?' Sirius asked, causing James to snicker and Remus to sigh.

The teacher pointed his quill to Y/n, who awkwardly smiled before staring at the blackboard, hoping it looks as if he's focused on that.

'Eh, he's cute.' Sirius mumbled so James snickered.

'Since when are you into guys?'

Sirius just stared at the boy across the room before answering, 'Now.'

'Sirius!' The teacher scolded so Sirius groaned before getting up to go to the cute boy.

Sirius was so bored in this boring class. He kept drumming his fingers, which he noticed annoyed Y/n, so he kept doing it. He couldn't help but snicker when Y/n glared at his fingers before angry scribbling down something on a page he tore out his notebook.

Sirius raised his eyebrow when the page slided to his side of the desk. He sat up from his slouched sitting pose to read the note.

"Stop drumming your fingers."

Sirius couldn't help but chuckle at the writing. He couldn't believe that even your handwriting is adorable. He took his quill, dipping it in your ink pot before he wrote down,


He slid it back over. He knew why, he just wanted to make conversation.

It took Y/n a few minutes before he noticed the note, only because Sirius nudged it against his arm. He sighed before he wrote the answer Sirius knew he would write,

"Because it's annoying, and I can't focus. Now, please, stop."

Sirius had to a few seconds to think of an answer which could keep this conversation going.

"What if I don't want to?"

Sirius had to keep his laughter in at Y/n adorable, confused face. He almost laughed out loud at how he hesitated many times before he began writing something down. Sirius watched as the note slided back to him.

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