When their Jedi general/master finds out about you two (Clone Wars)

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Why did I make this? Dunno, just began watching some Clone Wars clips and suddenly felt like writing some scenarios about it.


When Anakin found out and told him, Obi-Wan shook his head, saying he has no clue what he's talking about. But when Anakin stormed in while you and Obi-Wan were kissing, there was no way Obi-Wan could now lie that nothing is going on. Anakin just smirked and slowly stepped away, apologizing and telling you two lovebirds to continue before closing the door, to which Obi-Wan yelled his name and hurried after to go tell him not to dare tell anyone about this, even Ahsoka or Rex.


Just like his master, he played dumb to the whole thing. When Obi-Wan walked in while you two were kissing, Obi-Wan just apologized and said he will wait until you two are done and closed the door. Anakin stared before dropping his forehead on your shoulder with a sigh, saying he can't play dumb to this. When you told him Obi-Wan was gonna found out for sure eventually, he just sighed again before giving you another kiss and then leaving to go talk with Obi-Wan.


She tried to act as if nothing was going on but it was obvious as she grew nervous and giggled. When Anakin put his hand on her shoulder and assured her he is okay with this as long as it doesn't interfere with her duties, she gave a confident nod to show it won't interfere. So now Anakin also helps her with hiding the relationship, both doing some weird stuff whenever someone is about to find out to divert their attention away from it and to the weirdness they are doing.


Anakin knew from the start. He knows Rex long enough to notice how Rex reacts to you and all that so he knew from the start. Since Rex knows about him and Padme and keeps it quiet, Anakin shows the same respect by also keeping it quiet about you two. When Rex found out and was shocked, Anakin just laughed it off and assured him he won't tell on him if he doesn't tell on him and Padme.


Obi-Wan suspected something but never assumed anything, he only knew for sure when he saw Cody and you talking and Cody was looking at you with such happy eyes, which made Obi-Wan chuckle and focus back on his thing. Obi-Wan never brought it up so he won't make Cody uncomfortable or worried. He does enjoy saying stuff that makes Cody freeze and wonder if he knows or not.


Plo found it quite cute actually. The big bad Wolffe, yet he's a softie when it's about you. he isn't as strict, doesn't roll his eyes as much, listens to you without complaint and enjoys being around you. Plo finds it quite funny how you have this stubborn soldier wrapped around your finger. When Wolffe found out and awkwardly asked if he's gonna tell, Plo assured him he would never tell on him so he has nothing to fear.

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